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Things about Oblivion that make you roll your eyes


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Admittedly these things can be fixed by mods, but:


Everyone in Oblivion is butt-ugly. You need a mod to create characters that don't look diseased.


Everyone in the game walks the same way. Men look too feminine, women look too butch. It's a time saver, not having to do two sets of animations, sure, but it looks funny.

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Oh ya, there are mods that fix all of that :) Makes the game fantastic ;)


I really wasn't impressed by the Mage's Guild questline...it was pretty boring and incredibly easy.

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Where magic is everywhere, it offers very little awe. Magic is supposed to do that. I know developers are competing and want to attract as many customers as they can, but with Oblivion's potential, they can do better.


I'm unimpressed with Oblivion magic in general. Seeing as we're not talking the type of sorcery that blasts cities into ruins and other major stuff, I can kinda accept that it's so commonplace. However, I don't really like the whole rechargable magical weapon system, and the fact that those things are everywhere.


I'm of the opinion that magical weapons should be rare, found mostly in ancient tombs and shrines, and generally kick ass all the time. Once you actually find a magic sword -which should be at the end of a major quest or at a plot point or something- you shouldn't feel any need to stop using it until you find an even better one, and absolutely not spend a lot of time and energy keeping it "charged."



A like issue is with monsters. I know that if I went into the woods and saw a minotaur, that would be a life-changing experience I would tell tales about for the rest of my life. Here, well, it's just another minotaur.


I was actually surprised when I went out into the forest and suddenly ran into these mythic creatures instead of the bears and wolves I was used to. I was like: "Where did these guys come from?"


But yeah. Minotaurs should live in labyrinths, not forests. Old school, yo.



I call it fuzzy because I don't know much about it. It doesn't interest me. There might be a good story to Oblivion, but I can't bring myself to dig in and find it. Beth almost pulled me in with their great cinematic introduction, but there still wasn't much to begin, and ultimately it feels like nothing more than product glaze. Even the original Tomb Raider does better than this. At the least, take a look at how Metal Gear Solid works in a story.


I found the main campaign in Oblivion to be sort of uninspired. It was basically: "This evil demon god from Hell is invading. To shut him out, we need to find the heir to the throne, then a ton of rare treasure, and then the magical dragon neclace. Que ambiguously happy ending with implied complications to come."


So, yeah. I wasn't really in any hurry to stop Mehrunes Dagon.


Now, Shivering Isles, on the other hand, really managed to pull me in. Sheogorath quickly became my favourite character, period, and one of the few I actually sympathized with and cared about towards the end. (Which says a lot considering that he was criminally insane half the time.)



Oh, wait... Who needs to eat when you have thousands of pink potions to take care of your ills? Agrarian societies are stuffed up, I suppose.


I actually through there were too few farms, or too little agriculture in general. Not that I was hoping to run around in barns or vast fields of wheat or whatever, but I always wondered how this supposedly huge empire kept its people fed. I mean, where do they get flour for all that bread? There aren't any mills anywhere.


And speaking of food... has anyone else noticed that everyone in the game seems to eat their meat raw? :blink:



Too damned easy to pick something up and immediately be charged and convicted, without trial. Can't we be reasonable about a fork?



"The Law says no."

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I remember seeing a note ingame once that mentioned chamberpots. I think it was at the Bruma inn.




One thing that makes me roll my eyes is the insane numbers of arrows everywhere.

Even if I'm playing a ranged character and think I'm only taking the good ones I find them faster then I can use them.

My arrow count goes UP not down the deeper I get into any Quest/Dungeon.

I've seen single Goblins carrying over 100. If I have companions set to auto-loot I have to regularly stop and take away the dozens and dozens they load themselves down with.


The thing that makes me doubly roll my eyes are the 100% retrieval mods made by people who say they 'hate losing arrows'. Are they kidding? o_O

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If I have companions set to auto-loot I have to regularly stop and take away the dozens and dozens they load themselves down with.


My companions don't loot anything but I still have to remove arrows from them from time to time after a battle.


Seems they get shot and the arrows end up in their inventory.

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That is something I found out. If you get shoot there seems to be a chance that you can just use the arrow which you were shooten with! Good thing is if you equip them they vanish from your body^^no more arrows sticking in your stomache^^
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There are several mods to fix this. Some that come to mind are the HGEC mod, where you chose to either remove completely, or greatly enhance the vanilla underwear, or some of Colourwheel's stuff. I use HGEG.
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