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Dynamic and Growing Town

Tony the Wookie

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I am also looking for ideas for a quest for you to get the key to the city, so if anyone has any ideas on that, im always listening
When you first reach the town the gate is locked and you can't come in. You have to talk to the guard on duty to talk them into letting you into the town. If you have good karma they will let you in, otherwise you will have to persuade them with speech or black widow or lady killer.

Maybe expanding the idea with the Karma of yours, something like this:

Very Good: "You look like a reasonable person. But tell me, do you have some Stimpaks to spare?" Five should be enough.


Good: "We are running low on medical supplies and the caravaners trade them for sick prices, do you think you can help us out?" 10 Stimpaks and three bloodpacks.


Neutral: "Seems like you're not here to cause any trouble but I don't trust you. Yet. So, we've got this little problem with an underground storage room we've wanted to create. You know, for stuff we may need at a later time and takes up a lot of space. The men had it almost finished when those disgusting MoleRats found it. If we're unlucky, they dig more tunnels and maybe make it to the surface inside of the town. Which would be bad. Sooo, we need someone to go down there, kill 'em, and blow up the wood-pillars which carry the ceiling of the cave. None of those wimps wants to do it and I had done it myself, but, erm, I don't have time. I guess you have some explosives with you? You look pretty good equipped." Player receives two remote triggers, cleans the cave (entrance outside of the city), attaches the explosives (object: grenade bouquet + somethingthatlookstechnological ^^) to the wood-pillars and leaves. Talks to the guard which will use a detonator to blow the cave up (simply a dull explosion sound played)


Bad: "I don't really like the look of yours, but if you can help us getting some stuff, I might let you in. Here, have this list." 3 Assault Rifles, 10 Frag Grenades, 10 Frag Mines, 2 Bottlecap Mines, 3 Fission Batteries, 1 Wrench, 3 Scrap Metal, 3 Plungers and a Wood Chipper (or a Vacuum Cleaner, since there are only 2 or 3 Wood Chipper in the game :whistling: )


Very Bad: "On more step and I will shoot you!!" xD

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Recieveing the Key to the City is a VERY BIG DEAL. It means you ahve done something to distinguish yourself from everyone else. You went above and beyond the call of duty, so to speak.


You shoul dhave the ability to recieve the key after you have upgraded the town to it's fullest and pristine edition.


I alos have an idea. If you build a wall around the town you need to make it upgradeable. The idea for the final stages of the wall could be that of thick and resistant concrete walls. (See I am Legend ending for the idea).

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Yea The key to the city should be definitely only achieved after everything doable is done. You should also be friends with at least 85-90% of the people if not more just to qualify. Their should be a time limit that you've been there before you can receive the key as well. So you cant just gain it in a week. I back this mod 100% as well, we need more mods like these that focus on implementing more story and interaction as well make the wasteland seem a little more populated by things other then raiders. Hmmm...IDEA! make a raider town. Like bartertown from mad max! Anyways keep up the good work I will be watching this.
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I guess I didn't make that as clear as I should have




When you first go to the town the gate is closed and you have to convince them to let you in. This won't be too hard unless you are a total evil SOB, which in that case they won't want to let you in untill you can prove you are going to be good.


But it will be pretty simple for them to let you in, because they like to trade with people from the outside and stuff




But the key is for the house, not for the town. You have to earn the house and the right to live in the town as opposed to haveing to pay for a room at the Tavern.


This will be a bit more complicated, it will probly involve something along the lines of you repairing the water purifier that they have, that is not functioning as well as it should. So you can eather colect parts and fix it with your repair skill, or go to a vault and take what you need.




So all you have to do to get into the town is convince the gaurd on duty, while to own a house and start farming and stuff you must complete a quest to earn the right, because even in a post apocalyptic wasteland, they don't just give out houses for free.

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More stuff I have been working on, by far not the best wrighting in the world, but at least it will give you an idea of the backstory of the town


Do you think the name is too cliche?


The Back story of the Town


The town is known as Greenfield. It was named after the founder and first mayor of the city, Charles Greenfield.


The whole story started 67 years before Fallout 3. Charles and his good friend Franklin, a per-war ghoul, were part of a large group of raiders. The raiders had located a still functioning vault in the area just south of Washington D.C. and were determined to get inside and do what raiders do best, raid stuff.


So after quite some time of trying to get the door busted in, Charles made a proposal to the leader of the raiders. If he could get the door open, then him and Franklin could take the water purifier, and they would leave everything else to the raiders. Raiders being really stupid and not knowing the true value of a fully functioning water purifier, were eager to make the deal.


Franklin was a pre-war technician that had knowledge of how to hack into the vault security system. In a matter of minutes he accessed the fire alarms and activated an emergency evacuation of the entire vault. The raiders went in and took anything and everything of value, and split the residence up to be sold as slaves. Franklin and Charles took their water purifier and a cart with two brahmin to carry it, and left the group of raiders.



So this is where the town starts to come into the story.


On their way back up to D.C. they came across a small abandoned town. The thing that was different about this town than all the others, was one building was still standing in usable condition. It needed some repairs, but it was much better than what you usually come across in the Wasteland. But the thing that really caught Charles' eye was the large pond next to it. It was the perfect spot for them to set up their water purifier.


Ok, so the whole reason the two wanted the water purifier was to set up a business selling clean water at high prices to the needy people of the wasteland. They just wanted an easy way to get money and power, and controlling fresh water was an easy way to do it.


They soon started getting more money and supplies than they needed, and started hiring workers to help fix up parts of the town.


During this time they get the first 3 buildings, The Mayors House, The Carpenter's Shop, and The Tavern, so the workers would have a place to waste all of their money they just made. They also built up a small farm to grow food with their fresh water, and further expand their profits.


So, pretty soon, the town started getting attacked by raiders on a regular basis and the workers started getting killed. Charles's decided to get all the people of the town together and collect all of the rocks and stones and bricks they could find around the wasteland, and put together a wall to defend the city. With the labor from everyone in the city they finally build a decent sized wall, a gate, and the town barracks.


With what they had left over they build a store for trading and a blacksmith's shop. They also made two houses for the workers to live in (later became the Library and Barber Shop)


So the workers started moving in permanently and people started forming families and stuff and eventually the trading post evolved into a full town.


Later on after Charles dies and his son, Bradford takes over, he is making a trip into D.C. to do some trading with the Brotherhood, he sees a small boat on the river. He talks to the guy and finds out that he is selling the boat because he is getting too old and has a son too look out for now. Bradford offers to let him and his son (who is Jacob Shelling) to move into his town if he will take one more trip down river to let him and the people from Greenfield gather as much lumber as they could possibly carry back.


So they go down to Point Lookout and collect all of the lumber they can get and use it to repair and build more onto the town. The sailor settles down and starts a farm in Greenfield and his son takes over later on.


So the town has a very small supply of bricks left, but plenty of lumber for when the player comes along to help re-build the town.







Feel free to expand on this if you have any good idea, plot has always been a week point of mine. I have started several novels in my free time, and I always develope a lot of great characters, but then my plot falls apart and I never finish wrighting because it just ends up being boring and pointless...


But a sandbox videogame like Fallout isn't really plot driven like a novel, so I am not overly worried about it, this is just information people will tell you when you talk to them and such. You arn't actually going to play through the founding of the town (through that might be pretty cool... but beyond the scope of what I know how to do)

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If you can pull something so ambitious off it would be outstanding.


Maybe also add the need to periodically make sure water convoys from project Purity or traders from CC make it to your town every now and again or the settlements starts running short of certain things... it would add to the 'dynamic' feel of things and actually give the player a very good reason to go cull some of those pain in the arse raiders ;D


Maybe also add some dialogue where you have to convince the people not to freak out if you bring Fawkes anywhere near the place. It always bugged me there was no quest to get Megaton or Bigtown or Rivet City to accept it was actually safe to have a honking great Super Mutant with a Gatling laser casually walk up to the front gate without everyone opening fire! :D

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