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Remover gun


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Hey i was wondering if anybody could make this easy thing... so i think it's easy


a small Laser pistol that is used to Shoot stuff like exploded cars and such to remove them cause im having this major issue


each time i climb down a ladder i end up with a car" STUCK inside me and i can't move, i tried no clipping mode but it wont let me move cause of the car

Please anybody help?


[Edit Writing fix]

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Will it Remove stuff ingame? cause im trying to do a mission and i tho blowing up the car would do the trick and i need to remove the Car and not a NPC
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Disable should work for that. I disabled several things (including a car) outside my RTS village. One thing to keep in mind is you want to make sure you disable the right thing.


How the heck did that car end up there anyway?

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but i need to get pass that place!


There seem to be a ton of Mics items stuck inside of each other like spawned inside and when moved they all move so they collide in each other making major lag and even with TCL/noclip mode i can't move from the spot


Help me please D:

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i don't know if it's a mod but it will takes ages to find out.... i got a bit many :s all i can think off is the FOOK2 that has alot of changes of the gameplay and others are just minor add ons like Portable stuff and such like GTS
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