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FlintLock Gun Wish


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I'm a big fan of putting guns and the like into Oblivion. As far as I know, there are only a few mods that do this. The Blunderbus mod is the only one I use seeing as the others are all pretty much inferior. I've been wanting some more guns in Oblivion lately and I'm sure others would too. Are there any modders who would be willing to make a flintlock gun or two? I don't think it would be critical to add the hammer animation. just a little smoke and a loud bang to know you fired the weapon. as well as high damage and some Bullett ball amunition. Any thoughts?
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I've made a British FlintLock, about 1 year ago, sadly I don't have the mesh anymore since my old laptop crashed. :(



Thats too bad. Looked like a nice mesh too. oh well. if you're ever in the mood to make another one I'll help out. thanx anyway~

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I think there was a similar gun made for Morrowind. See if you can find it. Maybe the author will convert it for Oblivion or give somebody else permission to do so.



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Well I can convert it if the author don't mind................I can make another one too.


I don't think the author will mind if you give him credit for the original mesh, textures, and sounds. I sent him an e-mail asking for permission. I would be very appreciative if you would convert the meshes and textures and release it. Thank you!

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And also, if you made a flintlock rifle or two to go along with the pistol, I would make a mod incorporating the guns into oblivion. perhaps give the guns to some archers and mages and townspeople as well as making a colonial town.
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actually I can't convert it, because blender can't open a animated mesh like this one.


anyone want try ?


if someone convert it, I will make some animation for the NPC (and PC) and the script.

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