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The Little Fairy's Flower Garden


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Hurculine, your words are wonderful and more than just a little 'naughty'


I like it.


If you want to write more 'richer' stuff send me a message and I will tell you where good taste erotica is allowed.

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Two hearts and two machines,

Two lovers with separate screens.


Electric links fill the space

So we may talk as face to face.


We share photos, clothed and not,

To make each other feel so hot.


A mouse it clicks, and then another;

Over keyboards fingers flutter.


Pulses race and fluids flow,

Passion in a monitor's glow.


Ecstasy found through the net

To reach a climax I'll not forget.


I'll yearn for more till next we link,

And of your pic is all I'll think.


You've won my heart, my cyber-lover,

And in your place I'll put no other.

Last night, after shutting down connections between digital realms, a strange call inside has drawned my mind and smoothly pushed me to open my door for going outside. After walking a little through my real realm, I don't know why, but I stoped there near a field, looking up the sky... I opened my eyes, and saw that a new lightning star was coming out in the firmament...


This new star is your beautiful poem, putting me on cloud nine. Thanks for sharing your talent, Little Fairy... :happy:

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Thank you all for your compliments, and for your friendship.



I'll be looking at the writing you've sent me this weekend and will stay in touch.



Luck is a relative and reciprocal concept.



I think you have the heart of a poet and yet do not know it.



I only jot down a few witty words here and there. It's you who truly write! Send you a PM I shall!



As always you humble me, Gallant Prince! I hope that job of yours allows you some respite.

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Is a diamond in the rough any less a treasure as one cut and polished? Is the final cut and polish any better than the rough cut,knowing that it still contains a precious gem.

To me a rough cut leaves interptrtation open for the reader while a polished gem holds only what one may percieve as the authors abject view

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