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Game Ending


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The ending left MUCH to be desired.


I felt that there was something missing in the game after I finished the main quest. I don't want Martin, etc back or anything but...


Why is it that the Champion of Cyrodiil, the person who pretty much did EVERYTHING not get anything except for a bunch of trash armour? (Daedric is much better.) After finishing all of the quests in the game, there's pretty much nothing to do except dungeon crawl. Someone should be named Emperor, a not-too-close relative of Uriel/Martin? A brother of Uriel? High Chancellor Ocato himself?



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Well the main quest isn't the game, which is really a sandbox/playroom kind of thing. My impression is that most players enjoy exploring the land and dungeons just for the fun of it. The main quest could, I suppose, have had a larger reward in terms of status or loot, but there is at least a big epic ending with a huge boss and a big dragon.


Of course there are also mods (if you have the PC version), but it was never meant to be a rollercoaster-type game like, for e.g., Half-Life, with a bunch of levels to work through. Bethesda's Fallout 3 works on much the same principles (although without the extra content that game does end if you complete the main quest).


That's my take on it anyhow.

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Well, if it's the Imperial Dragon Armor that's the problem, there are several mods that enhance the armor's statistics to more in the neighborhood of daedric.


Also, I know that once the Empire's (note the apostrophe, i'm pretty sure there isn't more than 1 empire of Tamriel) Glory mod is out, that it will tie up most of the loose ends at the end of the game, like, questing for the shattered amulet of kings, an even bigger threat to tamriel, and a split storyline where either you or martin can become the emperor.

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Hehe, this question is asked... weekly now?


We've build EG on these things indeed, but they will not fill the huge gap there was..

Yes that allows for people to create things, but the end is quite sudden.

One moment you're fighting your way to the temple, another minute you're done playing the game..

I say that as most people skip playing the quest to a point somewhere later (after the first time of speeding through).

As it will be much more challenging to do. So after you've done the Fighters/Mages/Thieves/DB quests, you play the MQ..

And....that's it, you get a bunch of armor and on a weekly basis you can, fight in the arena, duplicate ingredients(mg), get a bit of cash or some loot (fg), walk around with a mask (tg) and walk to a statue and talk for some cash(db)?


We didn't ask for a continues play, but something small and similar to it would have been welcome :)...

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I'm always left with the feeling that the MQ is an extended sidequest and not the main meat of the game, even though it probably was. Another let down was the quick promotions you get in the guilds, unlike Morrowind.
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If my voice acting is anything to go by..... there was this one time I was recording the big martin speech, and my voice cracked at the empire bit (i'm 14), so I ended up with "it's time to restore the EMpire's glory! I wish I had recorded it and saved it, you guys would have died laughing.


oh man, that would be something. How well can you imitate Martin's deep voice with a slight british accent?

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Empire's Glory... OMG.


Anyway, yes, there are mods that make the game MUCH, much better... But still. I've played through the game a bunch of times, making a lot of new games. I play on maximum difficulty.


I thought an RPG game would mean that choosing your words affect what would happen. No matter what, your character would have one attitude. No cocky bosmer, no intelligent Breton with smart answers, no Nord with plain stupid answers...


Yes, the so called "Main Quest" does feel more of a side quest after you've done it once. I don't find much enjoyment in killing bandits/marauders/necromancers/undead/Daedra/ annoying creatures after I've finished the ENTIRE game. Dark Brotherhood, Fighters' Guild, Mages' Guild, Side Quests, etc. I wanted it to be a bit more like... KOTR (Star Wars, Knights of the Old Republic) where you could choose your alignment from your actions.




Has anyone noticed that ALL (if not 99%) of the NPCs have alcohol in their homes? Seriously.

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If my voice acting is anything to go by..... there was this one time I was recording the big martin speech, and my voice cracked at the empire bit (i'm 14), so I ended up with "it's time to restore the EMpire's glory! I wish I had recorded it and saved it, you guys would have died laughing.


oh man, that would be something. How well can you imitate Martin's deep voice with a slight british accent?


British accent, no problem, I come from the same general area as sean bean (martin), deep voice, I sing bass, so no real problem, but is is going to sound different, get vicice to mail you the soundfiles.

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