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multiple files called "data"


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I have the akatosh mod which requires me to put the folder called "data" in my oblivion directory. I downloaded the elven map redux mod which requires the same thing. Im not allowed to have 2 folders named "data" so before i put the map folder in my directory, can i change the name? Will that screw something up?
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Will that screw something up?


Yes, seriously.


1. All plugin(esm/esp) should be at:



2. All meshes(and animations) should be under:



3. All textures should be under:



4. All sound files should be under:

\Oblivion\Data\Sounds (Not sure about this)


Most of mods use their own directory name under \Meshes and \Textures for their resources, so you don't need to worry about them. If the mod is replacer(Elven Map Redux replaces vanilla map), you cannot use 2 or more at once.

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You're not going to replace the contents of the folders unless the files have the exact same name and directory path. In that case, the OS will explicitly ask you if you want to replace the existing file(s). What normally happens is that the new content is merged into the existing folders.
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Yes they have the same name and path. Both folders are called Data. It did ask me if i wanted to replace the existing one. If i understand correctly, the folders will merge like you said? and the contence of both will be in 1 folder named data?


Exactly, if you even read it carefully, it says "Do you wish to merge this folder?".

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I use the Elven Map Redux. All you need to do is move the folder called Data to your Oblivion directory, not the game's Data directory and the Textures folder will "merge" with the existing textures folder. No esp required. It won't replace other files in that folder.


Go into the game and your map should have changed.


If you use OBMM's Archive Invalidation you don't need the Archive Invalidation text files that come with the mod. These files were used in the early days before a better solution was found to make the game use custom files.


I find a better way to install mods manually is to unzip the archive to a temporary folder, then if the mod has a data folder, open it and move only the folders inside it to the Oblivion Data directory. When mods are packed with a data folder it can be a problem because people end up with a data folder within a data folder and the game can't find the files it needs.


OMODs are good and I download them if available, but otherwise I always install manually. I like to see what's included in the files and if necessary create my own OMOD. I think everyone should know how to install manually before moving on to other methods, but that's my opinion. :smile: I prefer to be able to see what I'm adding to my game and I often unpack OMOD's to do just that and it gives you a better idea of exactly what has been done.

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