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MCM Menu disable control


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So i'm struggling with putting together an MCM menu script that disables a sliderbar when you toggle a checkbox and keeps it disabled when the user goes back into the menu. The wiki on that is really sort of vague. Anyone know of any mods that have the scripts unlocked that I could go examine? Or if you know how to do that and have to time to enlighten me, that would be even better. Thanks guys.

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In the OnPageReset where you have the option for the slider put an if statement around it. When the bool for the toggle is true allow the slider else disable the slider.

I am using my phone atm else I would copy paste an example.


On the PC now... here is a psuedo example seeing as I do not know your variables


If ToggleBool == true

OIDSlider = AddSliderOption(SliderName,SliderBool,OPTION_FLAG_NONE)


OIDSlider = AddSliderOption(SliderName,SliderBool,OPTION_FLAG_DISABLED)

Edited by IsharaMeradin
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