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This or That?


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that's a hard one: space reminds me of Star Wars, but deep sea has monsters which are cool...


well, let's say deep sea for now



whales or giant prehistorical sharks?

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Whales, because they are peaceful animals. The blue whale is the largest known living animal by volume and weight, an endangered species whose official record length is 33.58 m (110 ft 2 in), and weight 190 short tons (172 metric tons) for a pregnant female. (wikipedia source).


Books or movies?

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Nothing is more important than living in peace with yourself - being poor or rich don't change that fact. The deal is to enjoy it to the hilt... during 60 years, or more. :wink:


To be rich and sick or poor and healthy?

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Peanut butter of vegemite (an Australian sandwich spread that not all non-Australians appreciate as in yuck!)

Edited by Maharg67
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Holy Cow, really? I mean, really? REALLY? Crap.


So I'll have to choose between that "sandwitch' and? I guess Hotdogs right? Ok, I choose Hotdogs :D


Retarded or Plain Stupid?

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