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hey guys been a while


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i recently reinstalled fallout 3 to catch up on the DLCs, and the old ticker started spinning with some mod ideas, however i have some questions i hope someone can answer




first, is it possible to modify a weapons hitpoints for a specific amount, I.E. give weapon X 1000 extra hitpoints for the period of 12 hours?


second, is there any tutorials/resources that deal with buyable stuff for player homes? (like the workbench or the nuka-cola machine)


third, is there a good write up on scripting in new weapons into vanilla vendor and loot lists? i wanna tidy up my old mods a bit so they play well with others.


thanks in advance

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Hey, welcome back!


Yeah, with (or without, I dunno) FOSE, you could probably make that script. I'm no script genie, but I guess you could set the weapon to gain X Health when the player does something, then have the script check how many ingame hours have passed, and if 12 hours have passed, have it lose X health.


I'm not sure about modder's resources for that kinda stuff. There's CRAFT for the workbenches, I guess that kinda counts...


And there is no articles or anything on vendor/loot lists, however the GECK wiki might have something. Related to that, you might want to know that CALIBR, which your weapon mods should use, is at version 1.2.


Here: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3447


Most people are using CALIBR these days. It's just better.

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yeah i had seen CALIBR and was gonna try and convert to it. seems my MPammo kinda fizzled out. id imagin there are some packs out there that have them linked to it already, maybe with permission i can use some of their work.


thanks for the info

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