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Very minor issue logging in


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Actually I am not ponderous "evilhippo" I am his gf Natalija...but I get a message that in effect makes me log in twice "for security" if I log him out from the Nexus site (the ponderous evilhippo) and then log myself in because I cannot be bothered to go to my own computer (i.e. I have stolen the hippo laptop so I can surf the net in bed, :D ). Why is that I wonder? Am I doing something wrong that makes the site think I am trying to hack something? As far as I can tell all I do is log him out and then log me in. Just curious.
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Actually I am not ponderous "evilhippo" I am his gf Natalija...but I get a message that in effect makes me log in twice "for security" if I log him out from the Nexus site (the ponderous evilhippo) and then log myself in because I cannot be bothered to go to my own computer (i.e. I have stolen the hippo laptop so I can surf the net in bed, :D ). Why is that I wonder? Am I doing something wrong that makes the site think I am trying to hack something? As far as I can tell all I do is log him out and then log me in. Just curious.

If you are logging him out of the forums and file sites. It takes a seperate login for each site and the forums. So you have to log into each seperately....some never use the forums at all and never sign in here. The login is the same username and password, but the logins are seperate for each.



Hope this explains it.



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