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Odd 5 second freeze with music change.


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Basically whenever the music changes, be it from the music just changing to another of the same type or maybe the music type changing (like from dungeon to fight and vice versa), the game will freeze for 5 seconds and then continue as normal.

It even happens when I start my save up and the music starts on the loadscreen.


What replacer I'm using doesn't appear to matter. I even downloaded the vanilla music again and it still persists.


Previous sessions never had this problem. No change in the mod list, nor graphical, .ini or audio changes.

But lately it's just been doing this all the time.

Edited by Deepblue321
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sounds like you have it installed in the x86 folder ? if yes the sound gets stored in the virtual drive and buggs a lot,(I had this the first installment)

install in c/games/TESO or anywhere else then the program files folders.


but as your a old hand , I suposse you done it right ;)

Edited by DutchGreenWizard
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Well, don't assume something because of my forum status.

But yeah I didn't install in program files.


It's in C:/games/Bethesda Softworks/ (same where I installed Morrowind)


So I'm guessing it's not a hardware thing or the game itself (like an option or something).

So would a fresh install be the best option?


Never had this before.

Edited by Deepblue321
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It could be where you installed it, also check that you do not have some third party media player staring up whenever it feels it has priority over the game engine. You might set mp3 files so that they "always use this programme to play this type of file" in properties of the player you prefer.

I am not sure but i think the engine uses the default windows media player. I

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I might have run some audio files under a certain program while checking out some replacers.

I'll try setting the default prog. as windows media player and see if that fixes things.


Edit: Nope. The default program is still windows.

there appear to be a few files from a replacer still stuck in there though, would this affect anything?

Edited by Deepblue321
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hmm, could possibly be a codec problem, if you have overridden the original windows codecs with possibly substandard ones from another programme it could feasibly slow the player up although I would have thought that the music would not play at all. check that the music files are correctly named i.e Battle_01mp3

I have found though that you can basically put any named track in the music folders as long as it is mp3. The game will always play track 01 first and so on, if you wanted a particluar track to play next it must be named 02 or even 01a. The game will play any other tracks after the numerical tags alphabetically.

Have you tried navigating to data/music/battle or whatever and playing them in sequence in media player? if you still got the problem then you would know it is not the game causing it.

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There's no delay playing them outside the game.


although the first dungeon track was named "Dungeon_01_v2" instead of "Dungeon_01" for some reason.

It was from the upload of the official track (since you can't just delete custom music and get the vanilla ones back like you can with meshes and textures)


The file also appears to be missing "atmosphere_02" and "atmosphere_05" for some reason (did these tracks exist at all?)

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The tracks atmosphere_02.mp3 and atmoshere_05.mp3 aren't in my vanilla game Music folder either, so that's normal and not related to your problem.

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