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PROPERLY uninstalling Civil War Overhaul


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Since Apollo took down the file page for CWO, I can't read up on how to properly make sure the uninstall of the mod happens so that nothing is left behind. I wasn't too far into my game before deciding to remove the mod (not talking trash, it was just too buggy for me, I appreciate his work though and wish him the best on his new mod to replace it) so thus far I have uninstalled the mod via NMM and I'm going to restart my game outside of the Helgen dungeon (a clean save) so that hopefully the game will act as though the mod was never installed to begin with.


If anyone knows of anything else I should do here, I'd appreciate the tip. Sorry to ask it here, I would have done the "homework" on my own but for the file page being down at the moment.


Thanks! :)


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Personally I wouldn't risk using a save file which has had CWO uninstalled no matter how early in the game it is. That mod is very script heavy and it's not worth finding out the save is broken after spending hours getting to that point.


If you have uninstalled it start a new game, if not leave it installed and ask on the forums for help sorting any bugs you're getting.

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Thanks for the input... Yeah, I used a save that I had made before I installed any mods at all (a file from right outside the cave at Helgen at the game's start, I assume many people have a save game at that location). I also (perhaps foolishly) reverted to the default .ini's just in case anything had been altered by the CWO mod. It was the best I could think of in the absence of the actual uninstall procedures from the former file page. Hopefully that will remedy any "leftovers."


A quick question on another mod though if I may, does anyone know it Interesting NPCs is a fairly stable mod? I've heard so many great things about it, was wondering what other players experiences with it may have been like?

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Curious that you mention that...


After taking the aforementioned steps, I noticed that I CTD'd each time I tried to load the game. Normally this isn't an issue after changing a mod up as the game might do this once or twice, but only that much, then I can load, save, and all is well again. THIS time however, I tired to load the game about 10-ish times, and CTDs each and every time. Even when I went to a save that was prior to the install of the mod, I could play the game, but once I saved and then exited and tried to restart the new save... CTD.


So I just spent the last 3 or so hours doing a fresh install of the game and all of my mods. So far... so good (knock on wood).


Anyhow, I thought I'd relay that experience based on your comments about CWO. Hopefully Apollo's newer mod is better this time around, though honestly I likely won't try it after this experience. I'll have to give Interesting NPCs a try at some point, though I'm hesitant to try it once I've started a game (even if I'm only in the beginning stages of it) for fear of what Apollo mentioned on either his CWO or Dragon page about "Skyrim sorcery" when installing mods mid game.

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Thanks for the info, would have saved me about an hour or two before I went to the "nuclear option" on my game :smile:


I'm wondering though, about the wisdom of installing interesting npcs (or any other mod for that matter) once I have a game already going? Again, this is the "Skyrim Sorcery" thing I mentioned that Apollo referred to on his file pages. I am really opting for a more stable game this time around and as such have left out a lot of mods (texture packs, world changes, etc) this time around, though interesting npcs from what I know of it offers quite a bit more to the vanilla game, and if it is not too much of a gamble to install it after I have a game in progress, I certainly would like to.

Edited by m3dicat3d
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