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Upper-Class Non-Sexual Female Clothing


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Hello! So I've been searching through mods for upper class clothing for female characters of the same quality or better that is in the game. Everything I seem to find is overtly sexual (which is fine if that's what you like but being a girl I rather not have my character walking around half-naked). I found a few retextures and designs which I'm using and thanks to those who made them, but compared to the amount of adult themed clothes there is a very very small selection. I've tried making my own but I fail horribly every time :confused: . I just want clothes like the Blue Velvet Outfit and the Black and Burgundy Outfit, but in different colors or ones that look similar when it comes to how it lays on the body (not extremely clingy) and the texture/quality of them. Judging from the type of mods out there, I can tell there are a lot more guys playing, but I do think there are enough girls that would love and greatly appreciate more normal, elegant, beautiful outfits for their characters to wear that coincide with the medievalish era. If no one is willing to venture in this direction, any tips or advice on how to accomplish this myself would be much appreciated. So this is my request to the mod gods and thanks in advance for help! :)
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Retextured vanilla:

- Countess Dress Reskin

- Rose Dress

- Ravenwear Clothing

- Fancy Finery


I think it's for vanilla body, but I'm not sure:

- GC Gowns

- GC Draped Gowns


For EyeCandy Body(Exnem's & HG):

- Apachii Goddess' Store & Apachii Heroes' Store have some.

- Terry Malick's ball gown. Also check my recolor sets and Sinblood's awesome retexture.

- CanadianIce Morrowind Robes & Gowns

- Dani Dress Collection & Vol.2

- Elynda's Lost Dresses (UFF version is also available)

- Evening Dress

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Thanks for the tip but I did use a search with dress, as well as with "female clothing", upper class clothing, female dresses, fine clothes, female outfits, etc. I promise I wouldn't go to the trouble of writing a request if I hadn't thought I searched through everything, over a 100 pages of mods. Out of the hundreds of sexy armor, lingerie, short skirts, boob showing clothes I've found only a handful of mods that have normal clothes that I could use. Now I could make do with this, except for the fact that half were made for different bodies.


Thank you to LFact for posting those! I am actually using a few of those but you've given me a few new ones and I greatly appreciate that!!!



Thank you! You've hit the nail on the head on why I'm asking for this mod. I hope and believe that I'm not the only one that would like to see more normal clothes for female characters. But I guess the demand isn't as great as for the others so here's hope for me learning to mod.

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