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The twilight saga


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Okay the everything twilight is crap! now I am willing to bet hundreds of people think im a fool and are geting ready to launch a not thought about attack on me and that is part of my point. the world Is filled with frauds!! flocking to twilight! now the majority of these people do so because the characters in their vision are cute :wallbash: I say people search vampires and you will get so much twilight stuff it is not funny. oh people who think you can change my mind on this you are wrong.

I have seen the movie I have read the books it is a pain. now I am a vampire expert myself I know all about vampires to where the myth started which is where you think and nearly everything in twilight is wrong. okay your turn prove me wrong change my mind.

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I'm not here to "prove" you wrong. But there many different takes on Vampirism, so what is it about "Twilight" that's bugging you?


Mind you, I've only seen the movie, though I know some of the folklore & mythologies of vampyres as well.


edit: it might not to be to your liking but that does not mean it is Fraudulent.

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There's not much to say about Twilight...


The books are tedious and poorly written

The film has a poor script and some bad acting


Vampires can be nice people (read Interview With A Vampire if you haven't already) but still retain what makes them a vampire. Edward doesn't manage this. He doesn't have the same quality as other vampires.


However, vampires, as fictional creatures are open to interpretation. They might not be quite to my liking but I would have to concede that they are some form of vampire, albeit a highly convulted one. So basically, they aren't proper vampires, but they are vampires. So they're Meyervamps.

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I have read the vampire chronicles but I simply find twilight a severe pain in everything I do to do with vampires. the vampire chronicles are briliant and a bit of and example twilight has the vampires not being vampires changing the myth expodentialy.
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@ shu0001e: You know, people might take your opinion seriously if you will just start employing proper grammar and spelling. It's really hard to believe what somebody says when you struggle to read what he says. You can hardly state that people are going to "launch a not thought about attack" on you if you don't take the time to think about spelling and grammar.


As for the Twilight Saga, it's a matter of opinion. Why would we try to convince you otherwise? Some people like it, some don't. The end. The fact that you dare us to convince you otherwise just shows that you are not rooted securely in your own opinions.


As for vampires, they are a myth. It doesn't matter how Stephanie Meyer portrayed them in her books, because there is no such thing as vampires, thus there is no right and wrong when it comes to the portrayal of mythic beings. People have different takes on different things, that's just the way life works.

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  • 3 weeks later...
hate twilight :yucky:


i see like in every class a team edward t-shirt, i am like wtf, why are you wearing that?



Agreed! I started reading a book, and I read only the first chapter until I buried it in my garden! I don't hate toiletlight because of the fans, but because it's not what I like to read. I prefer Terry Pratchett.

But it's F-In ANNOYING because EVERYBODY is talking about it (like for example me)!

"Omg Edward is sooo hot! Bella was like sooo sad and that like killed my heart!" That's what I hear everyday in class. twilight is going too far.

look what i found on the internet: http://twitpic.com/xc0w

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I know all about vampires to where the myth started which is where you think and nearly everything in twilight is wrong.


I won't say what I think about this subject, becouse I don't think it's important for other people. What you said in the sentence I quoted above is not true, becouse if you wanna make a SF movie you don't need to copy what's already been used for vampires. They just had different vision for vampirism and I can't say I can blame them for making something different.


I will say what does bother me. All these fanatics that talk only about it like Birrii said and don't like it when you tell them that you don't give a rats ass about thier beloved movie. It's not that I have something against them personaly, it's just that it bothers me when they don't accept other peoples opinion.

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