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The twilight saga


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Wow, I'll never understand why people talk so much about things they don't like o_O

because they know they hate it, but they can't tell any good reason to hate it. Guys why do we hate twilight anyway. Its just a book and a movie!!!

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A really bad movie that a whole bunch of angsty tweenagers think is cool because they think Edward is Hawt and that brooding all around like a moron makes you "deep" and cool.


Badly written, bad acting, the fact is, it's not a good series! So stop trying to say it is because your hormones are serioualy affecting your judgement!


But the fact is, we need people talking about how bad it is to balance out all the people saying how good it is.

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in case the above dosent' work


note: I didn't make the video


stay till the end of the vid, hilarious.


man first the twilight


and now this I'm just leading the front in mockery

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I think your right-vampires have been ruined for a few decades.

(and yes gandolf would totaly kick potters wanna be wizard rump back to kindergarden)


Many of you have seen the lost boys right? Did you know there was a second one? Its becouse it was drowned by this Disney land vampire saga thats done nothing more than rip off ideas and names from the books and tv seris-Trueblood.(the movie came out around when all the twilight books did)

Another thing...in the twilight series isnt it were they have to cut the vampires in to little peices and burn them to keep them dead? if im correct the most common ways to kill a vampire are as follows...

-Decapation(the removal of the head from the torso)

-Stake(or any other sharp object) though the chest


Ive never, ever heard of that befor. And it makes no sense. If i put one through a meat grinder it will still regenerate?


The movie sucked, the only reason it did as well is becouse as a number of you have said, the twilight addects think the charecters are "Hawt".


After seeing one of my freinds reading the 4th book 'breaking dawn' i took it from her and gave her the book "dead untill dark", and told her "i will give it back when you read this". She didnt go back to twilight afterwards. This shows that pf all the absolutly amasing books out there, this one which isnt even written well and has a sucky plot line, can beat out these authors who deserve the fans and movies. :wallbash:


Oh my i let my self go on a rant again. :sweat:

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Well, I saw the movie. But I could barely hear it because of all the girls in the room yelling "he is soooo hot" and "oh my god!!!" I mean really, they were not whispering or trying to hold it in at all. They were trying to make sure the entire room heard them. No, it was not just the entire row behind me, it was the majority of the room!


It was utterly miserable for a married man trying to enjoy a show with his wife.


However, if I was a single guy, I'd probably have tried to capitalize on the very moist atmosphere. LOL. Now that I think about it, that might have been the purpose of the movie. hummm...

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