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For serious discussion of making Multi-player


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Stapletonj, VATS has to be removed, 1 player would not be able to activate it while the other still plays...it would pause the whole game. So remove the VATS scripting from the game...or atleast make it inaccessible.





Anyways co-op is a great idea because OP probably won't have access to a server large enough to support online play, though if you do then continue going for your goal and I'd be happy to play it.


Also I don't understand why player mods would not be accepted. All of Nexus use them and I'm sure most of them want to keep them, I'm sure it possible to recognize co-op scripts and settings with player mods...it's just simple graphic recognition, most games do it in one way or another. Your not changing the game itself just creating a mirror image accessible by another player.


BTW OP's picture makes me believe we've been Rick Rolled lol.

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Stapletonj, VATS has to be removed, 1 player would not be able to activate it while the other still plays...it would pause the whole game. So remove the VATS scripting from the game...or atleast make it inaccessible.





Anyways co-op is a great idea because OP probably won't have access to a server large enough to support online play, though if you do then continue going for your goal and I'd be happy to play it.


Also I don't understand why player mods would not be accepted. All of Nexus use them and I'm sure most of them want to keep them, I'm sure it possible to recognize co-op scripts and settings with player mods...it's just simple graphic recognition, most games do it in one way or another. Your not changing the game itself just creating a mirror image accessible by another player.


BTW OP's picture makes me believe we've been Rick Rolled lol.


yeah i forgot that it had to be removed. thanks :)

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Also I don't understand why player mods would not be accepted. All of Nexus use them and I'm sure most of them want to keep them, I'm sure it possible to recognize co-op scripts and settings with player mods...it's just simple graphic recognition, most games do it in one way or another. Your not changing the game itself just creating a mirror image accessible by another player.




I have an idea why, let's say you & a friend are co-opping & he happens to have a mod enabled that you don't even have. it would be bit much for it to sync both games especially if it was a large mod not to mention the instability that the syncing could cause to both games.

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The main problem with mods would be synchronizing the varying nature and number of threats in a given area. You could maybe overlook a mod that adds a new interior or worldspace, but I doubt you could overlook a mod that adds the Terminator or that multiplies the number of ghouls, etc.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys i been busy but have recently been working on my coding skills I guess...


Got a video to display on an object inside the game.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mfuC-96biA


I am going to try to setup a quick demonstration that shows the ability to see another person's character on the screen and maybe send chat messages.


Expect a sample within a couple days to a week.

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