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For serious discussion of making Multi-player


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Things people will want, and things you will need-


- People will want homes and safe places to leave junk

A - Create a system where homes in megaton, tenpenny, bigtown, grey ditch ect.... can be bought, and only entered if you have a certain key or if you are invited into said home by said owner.


- Probably should avoid blowing up megaton.

A - Eliminate that that quest, and probably destroy the whole main quest together.


- Special weapons/Items

A - Make the quests replayable for multiple people, Like I can play it, and so can someone else, but I should not be able to play it twice.


- Companions

A - Get rid of them to avoid over powered groups or arguing for companions


- Stealth suits

A - You COULD keep them, but I can see some obvious problems coming to light(Like hiding and assassinating people, but feel free)


- A friend system.

A - Should be able to select people as friends and make them easy to communicate with. Impliment this into the pipboy for ultimate mind blowing.


- Pip Boy world pause

A - Have to disable that. If you bring up your pip boy, the would should keep on going.


- Level up perks

A - Should take away some like Black widow should be removed as to avoid obvoius issues.


- Cheating

A - Should disable them.






- Other mods.

A - Mods like the CoD realisiam mod and winter edition mods won't be compatable on one server, so you shoul probably do a poll and find out what mods should be encluded in this pack (I vote for CoD realisiam + hotkey throw grenade)


AA - When the mod for this is realeased, maek sure the other mods are included so it can be bundled into one big mod istead of multipul mods to play.


AAA - Set up 2 versions of this mod so people can creat their own modded servers

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Well said, but:


- Companions (response)

R - Get rid of them not for overpowering reason, more worried that companions and multiplayer won't mix.


RR - If do add companions PLEASE make it ONLY ONE PRESLECTED companion per player.


My Ideas


- Just start from scratch

I - Sorry let me explain. Make a new area all together (not in the Capital Wastland) and create a way the travel to and forth.

(I recommed Virtual Reality Chamber)


1. Can create new quests, NPCs, side story, weapons, clothes, body replacers, creatures , and if you want new races.

2. Can control items coming in and out (including other players).


-DON'T allow Pickpocketing other players

I - Nothin like YOUR pants blowing up to make you sick of the game. (Sure it funny at first but having it happen over and over and over... Get the point)


II - Player (about to start a fight): "Where my Gauss DX go. Oh Cra..." (Dies from a MIRV)


-Forget keyboard chat

I - Replace the VATS mode with a toggle Mic Chat mode

It more likely going to wind up being a 2-4 player co-op game so why not just simpler to communicate plans


Keybord chat example:

Player1 (using stealth armor): "Player2 activate your stealth armor there is a DeathClaw".

Player2 passes Player1 and gets killed because he didn't get the mesage in time.


Mod that got my vote.


Enclave Commader

Gauss DX

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Cakester: You don't have to add mic chat in the first release. I'm recommending adding it in later on down the line so that u aviod sistuations simular to above example.
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you would need a powerful server and because it is such an open plan world.. prepare for a lot of lag and because it is a massive playing field..you would probably hardly bump into each other lol.



Honestly, I hope you will be able to "host" a game and have one or more of your friends join, and then a group of people can play and thats all. It would be better than, as you said, a server with major lag, no where to live because everything is used up, All friendly npcs gets killed.


About that.


If you DO make a public server like this, friendly npcs, including quest-related ones will get killed on the first day the server is up. This is stupid, and it's even more stupid to respawn them. It's also stupid being unable to kill them. So i don't know.


Oh, and as Alr360 said, use V as voice chat if you can, and keep the keyboard chat for people who doesn't have a mic.

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:stupid: minus stupid


that's one




But, seriously how are you going to get this to work with out Windows Live?

I'm willing to bet your going to need FOSE to even get Fallout 3 the exect the mod.

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:stupid: minus stupid


that's one




But, seriously how are you going to get this to work with out Windows Live?

I'm willing to bet your going to need FOSE to even get Fallout 3 the exect the mod.


Actually you will need windows live disabled to play the multiplayer mod. Just use the live dis-abler from nexus.

FOSE is not used at all.

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Aren't we forgetting something? how unstable would the game be if we don't do something about the sleep timer


I mean you can already sleep ingame pause the world and then move several of hours forward in game making it night and light in a instant and that would not go so well with multiplayer gameplay but im just saying if anyone overlooked this or already knew and not say a thing... and what about the limited items in the world? and the time to make corpses remove and Mobs to spawn that used to be the Sleep/wait Timer's work to fix...

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