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Your favorite companions?


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I was gonna download Wolff, seemed like the best comrade in arms, but I decided not to after I found out he's... you know.


Oh, grow up.

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And MY real-life name was used for a companion that would offend any normal woman with dignity, so what? Do you see me banned for starting a flame war? Be easy with people, okay?


On topic: Altair. Not really so much favourite, just one of few I liked.

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Stanley - lol. So he's got a romance to him. I...fail to see the problem.

If it's just that he's a guy and you happen to be a straight male do what I do when I run across a cool-looking female companion mod that has romance: Sigh and move on. Ya ain't gotta download it.

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He's...you know...what?


The basis of an upcoming epic quest over 100 stage in length with over a thousand voiced lines involving the Underdark with new areas and creatures never seen in Oblivion?


I'm sure that's what you were going to say.


The character was created by Sunsi (now M.I.A.) and she asked me to breathe life into him.

So I did.


I didn't come up with the name.

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The Dremora companion Amozabael (if that's the mod you mean) makes some fairly salacious remarks, but they're mostly not directed at the player ("Let's go chase Alessia Caro around her throne; I like the way her dress rides up when she runs."). I think the only character to openly proposition you in that mod is female.


xoxSugah: Do you know of one that doesn't, other than the standard CM scripts? The fact that people throw a hissy fit over the one or two male romance mods when there are a jillion female ones is starting to make me share Slof's paranoia about content for het females, hostility towards, ubiquity of.


Also - Wolff? Really? That's such a common component of screen names that you might as well object to someone else using "Dragon," "Cat," "Lord" or "Lady."

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He's...you know...what?


The basis of an upcoming epic quest over 100 stage in length with over a thousand voiced lines involving the Underdark with new areas and creatures never seen in Oblivion?


I'm sure that's what you were going to say.


The character was created by Sunsi (now M.I.A.) and she asked me to breathe life into him.

So I did.


I didn't come up with the name.


This only makes me wish more that there was an option to turn off the wrong part of him. A simple popup at the beginning when you meet him.


But no.


And you know what I mean, want me to quote the description?

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