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Plugins? Maybe MOD? Something is wrong!!!!


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I just happened to install the Official plugins, (Knights of nine, fighter's stronghold, thieves' den, etc.)

And when I get in game, my character account looks like it got stolen.


She became a he, race from XEO to Imperials, every single item on my character is lost and what I got are the starting things (prisoner's gears)

Even the armor from mod that I had put on my character disappeared


What is going on? is it supposed to happen when I have new official stuff install?

How can I fix it? or do I have to reinstall Oblivion?

Or is it because of a mod conflict? (I really doubt it)

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Perhaps mod conflict, or..... how many time you played with that character? And also check miscellaneous status.


**What version your game is?


I played with my character for 69 game days, don't know the exact hours, (I haven't look in to it yet)


Version of game is latest, I am pretty sure about that because I updated my TES4 tens of times



And I find out that if I uncheck all the plugins and their respective unofficial patches, my character resurrects just like a slap


Well, I guess I will have to skip all the plugins then...


But hey, my interest of this game is modding right now (this guy has been modding for the last 30 days)

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