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Repair Hammers


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Hi all, I hope someone can help on this problem. At the moment I keep having to repair my armour and weapons regularly, and this means I soon run out of repair hammers - even though I am rated around 60 - 75 on the armourer scale (I can repair up to 125% if that helps).


What I would like to get is a hammer that would recharge itself, or even replace itself - I know there would have to be a script for it, but as I have said before, I cannot write scripts (though I will have to learn how to do so to get some item replacement chests in place for a mod I'm writing).


In the meantime, I hope someone can come up with something that will help.

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Eventually you will reach mastery skill and as mentioned above, you then only need 1 repair hammer.


If I was in your shoes I'd probably just add a few repair hammers to my inventory using the console to save loading an extra mod.


A script that checks your inventory for repair hammers and adds one if none are found is what you need to come up with, shouldn't be hard for someone who knows what they're doing in that field. (not me lol)

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Thanks for the tips all of you; it turned out I was already on Armourer level 99, and about half-way to level 100!


What I was really thinking of was for the future as when I finish this game, I will probably start again (at the moment I'm writing a mod, so will want to check it out at the start of the game), and as you all know, buying repair hammers can be a pain - especially when your gold is low.


I have a mod for a re-chargeable Varla stone, do you think the script for that may help - appropriately modified of course.


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nice spoilers you guys are posting!

It is not a spoiler if you can read it in the instruction manual that came with your CD. Page 20 in my book.

Indeed, I'm very careful with spoilers..:) Still a good thing you noticed Dezi, it happens quite often outside the appropriate forum. Changing the varla script by swapping it with hammers should work...but I haven't seen it.

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