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Its lame to be Evil.....


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There is two good reasons to blow up the Citadel.


1. If you don't want any faction having enough power to dominate the Wasteland except of course for your character (with the Enclave out of commission the balance of power is in the favour of the BoS).




2. So you can take shots like this.


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It is the plague of any game that has "moral choices." Most games that lets you choose evil side turns out nothing more than making you a low class criminal. The worse offenders are the Star Wars games in regards to Siths, who are supposed to be conning and manipulative instead of being petty thugs with hokey pokey magic. The good side aren't immune either. I blame the developer and writers. Gamers aren't half as simple as they think we are. Now, not only games are dumbed down for console, the stories are as well.


/IMHO, take it with liberal amount of salt.

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And probably take Little Lamplight with it! ;)


Doubt it, Lamplight's a good distance away, and orbital strike only takes out a small area. I also doubt Vault 87 will be affect that much. Anyone whose played the Fallout Series should know the vaults were made to withstand multiple nuclear strikes. If there would any effect, we'll probably end up making more openings into the vault.

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It is the plague of any game that has "moral choices." Most games that lets you choose evil side turns out nothing more than making you a low class criminal. The worse offenders are the Star Wars games in regards to Siths, who are supposed to be conning and manipulative instead of being petty thugs with hokey pokey magic. The good side aren't immune either. I blame the developer and writers. Gamers aren't half as simple as they think we are. Now, not only games are dumbed down for console, the stories are as well.


/IMHO, take it with liberal amount of salt.


I don't think that they make the moral choices so simple and lacking in depth because they think that the gamers are dumb. The problem is, the writers just don't know how to write for a story that allows choices...


It is something that hasn't really been done before in any media. Story telling has in the past always been a linear thing, and to be able to add the choices of the player into it is quite hard. I personally think that in the future there will be more writers out there that specialise in "interactive" storytelling for videogames, as opposed to just writers that are used to useing traditional linear means of telling stuff. But right now the whole idea of makeing choices inside a story is very new.


I am currently working on a mod that calls for me doing a heavy amount of experementing with "interactive" dialogue. I am not even going as far as good and evil, just haveing the player interacting with people around the town and developeing relationships with those characters and learning about the story behind the people and the town. But even without doing good and evil, it is hard to make seperate dialogue paths for players who want to respond differently... It is just a really big pain to write. It takes a completly different mindset than when you are trying to write a traditional story, as well as about 5X as much dialogue writen to get the same exact point across...


Seriously, you should try writing an interactive story someday. A story with choices between good and evil. I have tried before, and it is much harder than I would have ever expected.


But anyways, I'll stop rambling now...

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Eventhough I'd agree with you on how it is hard to write engaging story that allows choices, that is not what I am talking about. The lack of depth in the evil side is glaringly obvious compared to the "good side." Example: you talk to some NPC, and he has some item you want. The evil choices usually will degenerate to simple killing. How's that for creativity? Hey, one can be evil without killing anyone too. That is an option hardly explored in all games ;o What's more evil. Killing a guy, or cut off some guy's hands and feet, then gouge out eyes and cut out his tongue. He'll wish he was dead but he can't even hold a gun to his own head to end himself. Well, may be that is more borderline psychotic than evil, but evil none-the-less ;o This is just the result side. How about some more thought in the motivation for the wicked acts too?


Fallout3... Meh. There are so many instances in the game where there could have been a much more awesome alternative ways to be evil, but instead the game just put in some lamo cookie cutter responses and outcomes.

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Fallout3... Meh. There are so many instances in the game where there could have been a much more awesome alternative ways to be evil, but instead the game just put in some lamo cookie cutter responses and outcomes.



Adult game, "Hah!" Imo it looks like the Authors of Fallout 3 prefer to let children under twelve believe the game was written for adult's. Maybe it is a sales ploy?

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If you look at the comments strewn through the code in the esm file, it's clear that the developers had no such intentions. There are thousands of lines of code that were clearly only meant to be there for testing purposes, but that were left in the game anyway. It's my theory that the idiot producers of this game (Bethesda) bumped up the release schedule long before the game was meant to be released. Given that, it's no wonder the game is so linear and utterly lacking in the true depth of a real RPG.
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If you look at the comments strewn through the code in the esm file, it's clear that the developers had no such intentions. There are thousands of lines of code that were clearly only meant to be there for testing purposes, but that were left in the game anyway. It's my theory that the idiot producers of this game (Bethesda) bumped up the release schedule long before the game was meant to be released. Given that, it's no wonder the game is so linear and utterly lacking in the true depth of a real RPG.


I get it! There is a lot more game and we all missed it. So, are we seeing the way the abilities of good crews can be stifled by the economy?


"The game would could have been better and could have even made bigger headlines!" Yes?

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I'm more willing to think that this game was released prematurely because of ineptness by Bethesda management to make good schedules. I highly doubt that Bethesda was short on funds.


A better company would have made a better game, no question of that, but then again a better company would have done a lot of things differently (like not used the Oblivion engine or its development tools). Of course, we've seen that people are mostly satisfied with everything that isn't just test code, and the game works well enough that (if you don't mind using a system that's heavily tweaked for the purpose) most people who play it are satisfied with it. No telling how much could have been improved with a six month push to polish the code, but obviously this is all in the past as far as Bethesda is concerned.


As for making bigger headlines, I rather doubt that. They bought some pretty big headlines as it was, and any real improvement in the coding wouldn't have changed the fact that they are still pushing a modded Gamebryo engine beyond what it's apparently capable of.

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I can imagine that the Bethesda Softworks crew has had some members go and new ones added too. Fine details that the creative bunch used to build Daggerfall and Morrowind from their experience and efforts could probably be seen by skilled artisans like your self. The members who took on Fallout to make Fallout 3 had new ideas they all must have shared and their expertise at keeping their energies focused may have been slighted by a single member having left the team, or refused any input, that fed their collective conscious when they worked on the Fallout 3 game.


If they are all still working together, forgive me for I am only diving for pearls in our discussion. If any one of them has lost the enthusiasm for their work or became disgruntled by the new way of enterprises and/or their companies head of financing telling them what to do, like any organization seemingly does, the years of wear and tear start to lower the youthful fires of creativity.


I would be curious to read your evaluation of the notations you found.


It would be interesting to see just how much was left out that would have given the members honor with a bit more of the Bethesda Softworks Crew talent, that could have made the game even better.

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