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Its lame to be Evil.....


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[People either simply want to feel good about playing through a game and getting to be a hero when the curtains close -having saved the day, yay!. Or they simply want to shoot/stab/slash/kill almost everything that has a pulse or is still breathing -and vent some anger and frustration.]


I agree thats why I like the mass effect series. The conversation system is great and some of the choices you make are not as black and white as Fallout or Oblivion. However the free roaming that is great about those games is cut back in ME 1 and 2. So I guess it is just what the game developers have the money or priorities for.

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Wait what?.... You want a reason to be evil?

I'm getting overjoyed so fast i do something evil :P even if it's just throwing around stuff in a house so it looks like poo :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
My second character i decided to make evil because i played a LONG time on my first good character and i just wanted to see the other side of the game. I played through Broken Steel and Point Lookout and leveled up to the max and realized that after killing anyone i felt like killing that the game was empty. Tenpenny Tower was empty except the one guy to buy and sell to. Rivet City was basically the same as was Megaton (i decided against blowing up Megaton because i like the safe house there better than TT). The game became a hunting game basically...the only people left to interact with where the left over Enclave since i even killed all of Paradise Falls (hey, true evil knows no allies) and i killed all the Outcasts. It became a very boring game. So after that i made another good character and i just feel more rewarded.
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You wanna know a game that did being Evil right? Dragon age... you didnt just do bad thing because you felt like it. there was reason...it may of been that you were just untrusting of others...or that there was a big problem and you solved it the first way to saw how...


I don't wanna be just evil....i wanna become evil, i wanna be known as an evil person because of the actions i choose in a problem.... In life there are no just down right bad people.... even if there are people who are bad its only because there had a reason they felt was good enough to do such a bad thing, or they thought the bad thing was right... no one just goes around shooting everybody just laughing "Ha ha ha ha ha everybodys dead but me! ha ha ha" (well im sure some crazy people have done that before but not enough to justify the whole idea of being evil)


take the story of fabel 1: you watched as your family and whole life was destroyed right before you, now you can either take the horrible events and use them to make yourself a better and stronger person, or you could of been messed up badly by them, realize that they worlds a crappy place and this is how it works, so kill steal and rape all you like! cuz that what everyone else is doing...


in fallout 3 it just seemed like an innocent boy walked outta his happy life and decided he was a no good killer...well i guess you can always say that maybe his dad leaving him messed him up a bit, but thats a little much don't you think?


But other then this don't have any problem with the events and story of fallout 3 , its happens to be my favorite game

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I think the problem is some people here are seeing mass-murder as what evil is. Evil in the Western world is defined my Judeo-Christianity. Hense the English words. (D)evil. Go(o)d. Remember; the first evil act was a lie.


Stealing is an evil act. It's compounded in the Fallout world by the fact that everyone is in desperate poverty; even the richest are like slum-kings rather than truly rich. Whatever you take is likely really going to be missed.


Lying to get your way and decieving others; someone is going to be hurt by it. It causes strife and turmoil. Lying while working on the Wasteland Survival Guide springs to mind as a good example. Most of the lies you can tell Moira are potentially lethal.


Murder (not killing in self defense) is an evil deed. That goes without saying. To take someones life is a grave thing.


Pride is also negative; as much as we treat it as a virtue in the West these days. It makes people thing less of others and more of themself. With strong pride you get things like racism, despot rulers and so forth. You basically get what led to our current economic problems.


Well, they are all listed and pretty easy to find.



In the end the most common type of Evil is that of being self-serving to the point you don't care what it costs others. And you make it cost others. Often. Money, relationships, positions of power, and even their life. It's not wanton slaughter; thats a sign of a medical condition. A person roleplaying an Evil character will likely choose the mercernary options, the neutral options when there is no merc ones, and not give a damn about anyone suffering aroudn them unless they have personal feeling for them. Even the most evil of men still have people they keep close and have (often a twisted concept of) love for.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

It's easy to be Evil in real life, So is it in this game too.


But its hard beeing a good guy isnt it? Oh come on admit it. If you're evil in a game like Fallout 3 you have surrendered to the Wastelands' cruelty pretty much.


If you're a good guy, You havent given up on your hope and you arent a coward.

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I usually try to do what's right, but since the dialogue options I get to use are fairly limited -I cannot use sarcasm, or cynicism, or irony well, other than with Moira Brown- and I always get bullied, intimidated, patronized or otherwise talked down to, I tend to get really annoyed. And soon that annoyance turns to anger. Especially when dweebs like Moriarty or Three Dog are trying to blackmail me. I really don't respond too well to such behavior.

When I descend into the spiral of evil, I especially miss certain dialogue options when talking to dad. It was him leaving the vault that forced me to flee; and since then I've been trying to survive. And the general Wasteland attitude only further erodes my sense of right and wrong.

Soon all I care about is survival. And if other people even refuse to compensate me for the ammo I spend, the armor that needs repairing and putting myself in harm's way to solve their problems, then it's usually Survival of the Fittest.

The only lame thing about going down the Path of Evil is that you miss out on a lot of nice stuff, perks and rewards. Luckily I know the basics of how to use the GECK so I can get -as an example- Lesko's lab coat and his Bio Enhancer, regardless whether I kill him or not.

Whenever playing Fallout 3 I must constantly remind myself to try and roleplay as much as possible -otherwise it simply becomes an XP or (Good) Karma hunt. Which is ultimately boring.

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In reference to what I think you are implying here: A bunch of master criminals planned to rob a train. They succeeded. After getting the loot though another mystery occurred. In which some say, "They Great Train Robbery" was a failure. So again, it is the amount of cash and the lazy lifestyle being rich evokes in us that spawns Evil and I agree with you in respect to your post, and it's the PRIZE which sweetens the challenge whether being EVIL or good. Without Evil the NPC family member who challenged you, you mention doing in would not have gotten you thinking to do one of them in.


And your story might have ended with, "The nice people saved me by sharing a sandwich with me." instead of the threat of one of them causing you to flinch and kill him. Muaah ha ha haaa.


I found many Evil acts were overlooked in the Good Guy actions that should have brought the characters Karma down, but did not. While other acts where, "Finding a trader and his bunch had been ambushed by raiders I picked them clean" we get treated as though we became EVIL. And now my mind has switched sides I am going to kill all good people in Fallout 3, just because their guardian Karma watchers kept spanking me when I did nothing Wrong. tee hee teheheh heh, waaaaah, Muah ha ha ha Haaaa!

ok, i have a few things to say

one, PAGAFYR IS NUTS! teach me

two. what a morbid thread... its almost too much fun!

third. there are many kind of evil. Clever evil (usually greedy with a lofty end to meet) primal evil (killing stealing, and raping) aimless evil (doing it just because you feel like it, like blowing up megaton) a lot of fallout three is primal or aimless, but no rape (thank god) i condone the whole killing and stealing, but rape is just wronger than wrong


so, if you feel that you want more clever evil, perhaps you should contract a modder to create an eleganmt evil mod, like an expanded slaver thing, or like the ending of new vegas where you can *self cut due to super duper spoiler alert* anyways, evil is evil... you just have to figure out what kind you are.

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Evil is lame for two reasons.


First, because it's too easy to be good. Take the water beggar outside Megaton for an example. In the 'real world' giving him pure water would be a good act not just because you helped him, but because you gave up pure water to do so. Self-sacrifice and all that. It's broken because the Wanderer doesn't need to drink, no matter how much running across the Wastes in the middle of the day he does. And even if you do give away all your pure water and force yourself to drink dirty water, Rad-Away is so common and you can carry an infinite amount/go see the doctor who has infinite Rad-Away in exchange for a few measley caps, radiation isn't a threat at all.


Second, following from that, since being good is so easy, you have to want to be evil/be doing evil for kicks. Like blowing up Megaton being the first non-story quest you can get. The worst you can be in the Vault is a snarky jackass (even killing the Overseer is treated as misguided heroism), but you stroll out and decide to murder a whole town because...? Since you have to be trying to be evil, Fallout 3's 'Evil' is just psychopathy, not self-interest.

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