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Who's the greater ass? Hitler or Kim Jong-il


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Lucifer, Satan, and Devils. Easy choice.


On topic : Kim Jong-Il


I bet there's more people out there like Hitler (dislike other groups). Except they doesn't have a chance to do it. If some of them became a leader of a (strong) nation, I cannot think what will happen to our world.

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Lucifer, Satan, and Devils. Easy choice.
We're talking about real entities, not fictional ones belonging to Christan & pagan folklore.



:whistling: heeeheee fictional haw haw classic . :thanks: oh im affraid that this is all really snaffood,

the too choises are only reallized by are selfs today ...... about 3400 years ago a Chinese Emporer killed

3.5 million of his own people ...damb i cant remember his name the book is in the shed...he killed this in two-

three years and in his very longe raine something like 40mill or so .....that was a quarter of the worlds population at the time. :blink: so as all tyrents go no evil or assness has cumpaired.


also he had made a mile long gilliteen that had around blade (like a meat slicer)with a runner that

run back and forth all day ,his enemys hands and head placed in stakade shoulder to shoulder ....snickity



so really both are gest modern pale puppits to histery.

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Now that I think about it, Kim's the worse of the two. Hitler was at least trying to accomplish something his people would benefit from. Let's face it, if he hadn't done the whole Holocaust thing and started WWII, Hitler wouldn't have been a bad guy at all.


Ah, crap. Doublepost.

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Do you mean Mr. Black Death? Just kidding :P



In my opinion it does not matter what Hittler tried to do. If he tried to be a saint while he started a war where about 60 Million people lost their life. He is responsible for millions of german deaths as well as of other nations. Don't forget that he finished the german "Weimarer democracy" and imprisoned all the opposition leaders who died in KZs. And in fact the jewish people he killed were German citizens too. And don't forget the Euthanasia program Action T4 and so on ...


Everything he did "good" like the "Autobahn" etc was a preparation for the war that would follow

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Do you mean Mr. Black Death? Just kidding :P



In my opinion it does not matter what Hittler tried to do. If he tried to be a saint while he started a war where about 60 Million people lost their life. He is responsible for millions of german deaths as well as of other nations. Don't forget that he finished the german "Weimarer democracy" and imprisoned all the opposition leaders who died in KZs. And in fact the jewish people he killed were German citizens too. And don't forget the Euthanasia program Action T4 and so on ...


Everything he did "good" like the "Autobahn" etc was a preparation for the war that would follow

Erm... America, and several other countries were also doing Euthanasia and Eugenics at about the same time. America had also done it's share of Genocide, theft of lands/properties in the pursuit of building a nation (Natve Americans), had their own concentration camps (for Japanese) and after WWII went through quite a bit of effort in imprisoning people who were trying to advocate an alternate political system. Stalin too had done some horrible things to his people at the same time, but yet little mention of him is made in most history books. If you look upon any of this with a modern perspective, of course it will seem horrible. Now, what Germany was doing prior to WWII wasn't necessarily good. We, and most countries did not boycott the Berlin Olympics for nothing. I was not trying to paint Hitler as some sort of a saint, I was only trying to suggest that much of his "evil", although true, has been told to people without explaining any of the other "evil" things other countries were doing at about the same time. They frame it to be that Hitler was the clear devil, and that everyone who opposed was fighting for justice.


Also to clarify. "Hitler's good cause gone awry" is not anywhere near close to what I was mentioning. To look at it in that light, you would have to also look at the columbine shootings as "a good cause gone awry" since the students were just looking to be free of harassment from other students. No, this is not the case. The cause never went awry, it started out as being awry.


The bottom line is that Hitler's acts were largely designed to improve the lives of his chosen "master race", rather than simply himself. Kim on the other hand, has performed acts which largely screw over his own people, and maintain his "godlike" status amongst those people. That is really the only distinction I was trying to make. As I said, there really is no way to defend Hitler, but atleast he was trying to accomplish something with the power he was given.

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I don't buy the Hitler's good cause gone awry theory either. It just sounds hollow.

Well, no one would believe Hitler to seek some greater good for all humanity, but you realize of course - politicians, unlike gamers, never have any sort of intention of being a baddily bad villain, unless they are completely insane in some very specific ways :) So, I believe, everyone of them actually has good intentions - at least good for his own self, or some a bit wider group of people, like family, political party or country. To say it simply :)

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I just don't think that Hitler is the better guy because of good intentions or whatever. It was so copletely wrong and their "clean race" and even the theory of the so called degeneration was disproved early in the 20th century.


Anyway atm I don't mind the ass of anyone

( exept the one of a girl I know ) :bunny:

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