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BABE,Exnem,TYPE 3,TYPE V,....Which one is the best?


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As a woman, it's insulting when men modelers try to de-feminize the female body by cutting off our breasts. Women do come in all sizes, and our breasts are one of our assets that set us apart from males.


And for the record, the size of my breasts have nothing to do with Sex. I'm certain I'm a grownup, son. I'm not so sure about you, with your choice of nickname.


Furthermore, the extent of misogyny in society I find utterly disturbing, from both males and females, the hatred for the feminine body and for women generally, against the idealization of males, really plays out vividly in the modding community. In my nearly 47 years one thing I've noticed, is that men who really love women, love everything about them including their curves.


I'm guessing what you are referring to is the lack of variety in the sort of customization that modders and modfans demand. I would say Growlf's mod is the best in this regard because, if the pics are accurate, his models are more womanly than some of the more petit, small-busted models that seem to be more popular. I'd actually like to see the NPC's, companions, and other female characters with broader hips and more realistic variations of proportions. I guess the skinny girls have some appeal, but they're not exactly my ideal...and I can't believe that models based on jailbait are really the only option players seek. Not me, anyways.

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..and I can't believe that models based on jailbait are really the only option players seek. Not me, anyways.


You totally get it! Thanks for your comments.


I don't know what you are talking about...


this is deffinatly NOT jailbait ADULT ONLY



I do agree that some more curvey and not stick thin options would be good though, I just find the jailbait comment really out of place





and really, even IF all of the body replacers has small breasts, the jailbait comment would still be totally inapropriate simply because their are a whole lot of grown women out their that have that kind of figure, and would probly find that comment a bit insulting really...


Now if you mean the whole "idealised Barbie doll figure" with way too much emphasis on a skinny waste and no real balance of curves, then I would totally agreed with you.



But anyways, I personally would like to have a wide variety of body types in the game, but the Geck simply won't let that happen without a huge amount of work that involves changeing every single NPC individually as well as not allowing the ability to swap outfits...


So I pretty much gave up on the idea of makeing such a mod.


But I am still in the process of makeing a handful(5) of custom body types that will be used for the NPCs in my mod. I am trying to capture different ideas of beauty with each one, from very curvey to slim to fit with nice muscle tone and such.


Personally, I would like to make a more muscular replacer for the raider females, but I don't think it is really possible to implement it into the game, because every time you would take the armor from the raider female and put it on, it would make your characters body type change...

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Unless you did something with onacquire, where the NPC version armor is swapped for a player-wearable version. Just a thought.

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Unless you did something with onacquire, where the NPC version armor is swapped for a player-wearable version. Just a thought.


It sounds like it would work, but I don't do scripting, and it would end up takeing a huge amount of work to apply it to each and every NPC (unless you can think of some way to apply it to all or something)


Me, I just make models and textures, and take care of simple stuff in the GECK and such when neccessary. But if someone does get a system worked out that would allow haveing different body types for different people, I would deffinatly be willing to work on the actual body meshes. I like variety, and I would deffinatly welcome the challenge of portraying many different views of beauty, from athletic to curvey to slim to everything in between.

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And I am eons ahead in scripting and struggling with the GECK :biggrin: ... Just seems to me they intentionally made the interface as confusing and sucky as possible. Or maybe it's me ... lol.


I think it could be done globally, though. If I get the time (from my current work on Web-enized), maybe I can do a test script for you.



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And I am eons ahead in scripting ...

I'm just starting to delve into scripting. If I were at the same stage in reading, I'd be on the A is for Apple, B is for Banana level, in books with wipe-clean plastic pages.


Maybe you could do a webenized version of that for scripting? :D

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..and I can't believe that models based on jailbait are really the only option players seek. Not me, anyways.


You totally get it! Thanks for your comments.


I don't know what you are talking about...


this is deffinatly NOT jailbait ADULT ONLY



That's not a flat chested model you linked and that model looks mature/legal to me. The jail bait comment is appropriate for some models that look just like 12 year old brook shields did in her infamous ad, and for the notorious (but now fixed) particular body model that looked exactly like a 4 year old. NOT "14", FOUR YEAR OLD. Thank heavens that one has become much better, because it was a little disturbing, moreso then the caricature models by implication. I not only am a woman, I've raised several girl babies, so I'm pretty sure I am an expert.


I'm not going to argue further over it because frankly, my viewpoint on this is not up for debate.

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