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I'm an idiot - I need some help with this installation


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Hey guys,


I just cannot get my mods to work properly, and it seems it's because I'm messing up the installation of everything because of all the different ways I should install. Here is my list of mods:




And here's what I've done:


I installed the DARNified UI and the Large Adress Aware Enabler outside of the mod manager.


Then, as I understand, FWE is not compatible with NMM, so I have to install that with FOMM. Alright, so I've done that.


Then I just install everything in the order you see on the screenshot above.


Then I run BOSS and adjust the loading order accordingly.


However, when I then launch Fallout 3 through NMM, through FOSE, the game crashes at launch. Halp?


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Your list looks incomplete - please post the BOSS log as that has far more useful information. :thumbsup:

Little details like esm or esp, DLC or mod, missing masters and some actual flagged problems will show in the BOSS log

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Your list looks incomplete - please post the BOSS log as that has far more useful information. :thumbsup:

Little details like esm or esp, DLC or mod, missing masters and some actual flagged problems will show in the BOSS log


Thanks for the reply!


I don't actually have my most recent BOSS log handy. I suppose I will go through installing everything again and give you guys a BOSS log. Could you tell me if my FWE process is correct - install via FOMM and activate via NMM?

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Ugh, where to begin?


The main problem here is that you've installed mods via the NMM which were never meant to be installed that way and thus cannot be installed that way. NMM can't see (let alone extract or correctly place) files in subfolders. This is also exactly why your game crashes on startup.

9 out of 10 Fallout 3 mods were released, updated and finished long before the NMM even came into existence. Most of those were and still are meant to be installed manually. (which is usually just a drag & drop procedure anyway)


I'd say your best bet would be to completely uninstall everything, then either clean up your Data folder or reinstall Fallout 3 and start over.


When you start over, read the installation instructions for each and every mod very carefully. There's quite few mods in there you cannot install in any other way then manually.


Point in case: The Fallout Stutter Remover. Your NMM screenshot shows you've apparently "installed" it via NMM, but it doesn't know the stutter remover needs to be put into it's own FOSE subfolder (it's a FOSE plugin, after all) and will likely just dump it's contents directly into the Data folder instead of where it's supposed to go.


As for FWE: I seem to recall Gopher having shown how to install it via the NMM in one of his Fallout 3 modding youtube vids once. Personally I just use FoMM to install FWE though. Never had any kinds of problems with it.


As an addendum: Ultimate Fallout 3 Setup and Mod Guide

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Alright, thanks. I ran a Skyrim installation with something like 150 mods, the major bulk of them installed through NMM, so it never occurred to me that Fallout 3 would be any different. For Skyrim, most of the mods also didn't have instructions that included "this mod is NMM-compatible", yet they worked fine anyway.


However, if that's the issue, it should be simple enough to simply do manual installs for most mods. Is the order important? Also, am I right in assuming I can still load and launch everything through NMM?


Thanks for your time.

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it should be simple enough to simply do manual installs for most mods. Is the order important? Also, am I right in assuming I can still load and launch everything through NMM?


Install the big-ass mods like FWE first, then move on to the smaller ones. Make sure that after you've installed a mod and put it's plugins in the correct place (use BOSS) to start Fallout 3 and load up some test savegame to see if your game doesn't crash on startup or anything like that.


You can still load and lauch everyhing through NMM regardless though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bump. Okay, it crashes after I install Mart's Mutant Mod and the FOIP for FWE + Mart's + Project Beauty. I haven't actually installed Project Beauty yet, can that be causing the crash?


(crash is still right upon launch, CTD)


What I've done is I've created a FOMOD of the Mutant Mod and its updated, then activated both. Then did the same for the three .esps in the FOIP. Then activated that. Before doing this, Fallout 3 would start without trouble.


Deactivating anything related to Mart's Mutan Mod also allows F3 to launch without trouble.

Edited by Grunker
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Not Required



  • Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp
    • Note: Included in FWE - Not Required <--Duplicated data and redundant
  • Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Actors.Stats, Factions, Relations}}
    • Note: Included in FWE - Not Required <--Duplicated data and redundant
    • ====================================================================
  • Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + Project Beauty.esp Version 2.72+ Active

Thing might work better if the data was in there first.

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I have no idea what you mean by quoting that, nor what you mean with this:




Thing might work better if the data was in there first.


Tougher Traders and Zone Respawns are not enabled (as per FOIP instructions). As for project beauty, I specifically asked whether the FOIP for that could be causing the crash since I have not yet installed Project Beauty.


I'm not a mod-wiz, I am simply trying my best to follow the instructions given.


EDIT: It seems it is the FOIP that's causing the crash. Installing Fallout 3 Redesigned (new Project Beauty) now to see if it keeps crashing after I install that.

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