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Someone fill me in on the Fallout 3 holes


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I don't have the Fallout bible (wish I did) and sometimes something pops into my head: was the entire world destroyed when the bombs dropped?


I thought of this because it'd be pretty dumb for the chinese to drop bombs on themselves. This keeps popping into my head and I find it simply stupid that every country on earth is bombed to the point that people have to eat iguanas on sticks and use bottle caps as money. But surely, that also kinda doesn't add up because if that was the case then we'd have people from surviving countries in the game at some point, at least.


The reason I wanna know this is that it could make for a very interesting mod ;)

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We don't know. There's never been any word from elsewhere in the world. The existance of Tenpenny and Moriarty is proof that life exists on the eastern side of the Atlantic as well, but it's pretty sure that the other COUNTRIES did not survive. If there are any governments left out there, they've got more problems than you can shake a shrubbery at, else we'd had the Royal Fleet land in the US ages ago, if only for scouting the situation.


But the best answer ANY of us can give to your question is: not a freakin' clue. President Richardson seems to imply the Chinese were "knocked into the stone age" and apparently SOME people survived in Britain, but beyond that, it's anyone's guess.

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I don't have the Fallout bible (wish I did) and sometimes something pops into my head: was the entire world destroyed when the bombs dropped?


I thought of this because it'd be pretty dumb for the chinese to drop bombs on themselves. This keeps popping into my head and I find it simply stupid that every country on earth is bombed to the point that people have to eat iguanas on sticks and use bottle caps as money. But surely, that also kinda doesn't add up because if that was the case then we'd have people from surviving countries in the game at some point, at least.


The reason I wanna know this is that it could make for a very interesting mod ;)


Share some of the story inquisitive notes that keep popping into your head. Let us read them and see if any of us get ideas that work together with yours.

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Download the Fallout Bible here.


But don't expect much info on what happened to the other countries (aside from China, which let's face it, with the number of nukes the Americans had, would have been completely screwed). Black Isle deliberately left the fate of other countries up in the air, for much the same reason they only gave away the Vault experiments for a handful of Vaults - so they could use them in a later game if they wanted to, and to let the community use their imagination with fan fiction and pen and paper games. We can fairly safely assume that most of the world was nuked to some degree or another, but the exact conditions of the rest of the world are completely unknown.

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This is just some hearsay from another forum but apparently, EU members (particularly the UK) went to war for resources with the middle east before just 2077 Amerikanzys sides with the Europeans, Commies side with the Middle East. It's supposedly the match that lights up the nuclear powder keg.


Take that with a grain of salt though.

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Taken from the Fallout Bible Timeline:


2052: The Resource Wars begin. Many smaller nations go bankrupt, and Europe, dependent on oil imports from the Middle East, responds to the Middle East's rising oil prices with military action. The long drawn-out war between the European Commonwealth and the Middle East begins.


2060: The Euro-Middle Eastern War ends as the oil fields in the Middle East run dry. There is no longer a goal in the conflict, and both sides are reduced almost to ruin. The European Commonwealth dissolves into quarreling nation states, fighting over the remaining resources.



Nothing to do with the Americans or Chinese though - that was set off by the Americans stealing the last oil reserve (the oil rig from F2) and invading China with Power Armoured soldiers...

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Share some of the story inquisitive notes that keep popping into your head. Let us read them and see if any of us get ideas that work together with yours.


Well, what about the countries further from America and China? Say, the South Pole, Australia, New Zealand etc. Australia is supposed to be America's ally but there is no mention of Australia anywhere in the Fallout wiki or the Fallout bible. The Great War ended in two hours, which makes me think that China would be too busy blowing up the USA to be targeting he boom pars of he world.


We can safely say that here would be more wasteland around Russia, China and America. So that means that just about all of the Asian countries would also be wastes. America, Canada, Mexico and Greenland would have been nuked and they would all be wastes as well, and the North Pole would probably have had half of it melted.


I'm guessing the top part of Africa would have buildings standing but would still have ended up with a load of mutants. I'm thinking that South Africa might still have standing buildings and stuff but it's hard to say. Colombia, Venezuela, Peru and Brazil would all have ended up the same as the top of Africa, and I reckon that Chile, Argentina and Uruguay might have been livable as well.


So in conclusion, I would say that the places in the world that have would have had the largest chance of surviving the Great War are; Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay. Thoughts?

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