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Much Problem!(Two main problems)

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Well, alright my Fallout: New Vegas is crashing, and I do not know what is going on (I'll have you know I have tried to look for the solution online already, and could not find one). The first problem is that I cannot sleep for more then 4 hours at a time without the game CTD(Crashing to desktop). Also, Problem #2 is that since I am playing hardcore, I use hunger, thirst and sleep, so whenever I am sleeping for every 1 hour my hunger and thirst increase by around 500 after waking up! So in essence what ends up happening is that I die and my game crashes after 5 hours of sleep.

Here is my Specs(Laptop):


Nvidia GeForce GTX 670MX

8gb Ram


Here is my Mod load order(I use BOSS):


Edited by NicholasVickers
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Right now i am reverting back to saves when i did not do this to see have far back it goes.

I HAVE FOUND A BUG, what I think had happened was a Irreversible bug maybe. I got rid of my saves, wich sucks but its only about two hours of game play I lost in this new game.

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The only thing there that alters hardcore values is Project nevada (IIRC). You should use FNVEdit and BOSS programs to sort out your load order, if you haven't already. That'll save you some headaches.

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