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What's the Best Show on TV?


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NCIS, CSI, CSI: New York (Not Miami, Horacio looks like a tortoise), south park, Family Guy...


And my all time favourit:





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I liked the last season of Hell's Kitchen. Robert came back, but I think he played that doctor's card one too many times. NCIS has an episode coming up where all three agencies pull together for a single case. That should be interesting. It's airing Monday, November 9th; 10-11PM (eastern, I think) It will be a three-part series and one I'm looking forward too. Rating were given by Entertainment magazine, and they go as followed.

Show Ratings


One Tree Hill (The CW) = C+

Return to Duty (MTV) = B+

White Collar (USA) = B-

Ann Rules' Everything She Ever Wanted = B

The Prisoner AMC = C


In the Movie Arena


Up = A-

The Boondock Saints 2 = D

Splinterheads = B-

That Evenening Sun = B

Skin = B+

Collapse = A-

The Fourth Kind = C

The Men Who Stare at Goats = F

Disney's A Christmas Carol = A

Precious = A

Movie Releases

November 13th



The Messenger

Oh MY God?

Pirate Radio



Women Trouble


November 18th


Red Cliff


November 20th


Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans

The Blind Side

Broken Embraces

The Missing Person


Planet 51

Staten Island

Until the Light Takes Us

Me and Orson Welles

NInja Assassin

Old Dogs

The Princess And The Frog

The Road


November 27th


The Private Live Of Pippa Lee

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penn & Teller's: bulls**t but unfortunately I don't get showtime on my cable service so I have to relies on youtube.


also I like C.S.I. : Las Vegas but that's pretty much all.

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Southpark, House, Bones, Fringe, and Metalocalypse.


I love Southpark. They've got new episodes this season too. The last one I saw had them debating with bikers! Crazy...


And the new season of House continues Monday. That's one of my favorite shows. I like how they're trying something new with his "softer side", but I hope he goes back to being a full blown jerk again. He's at his best like that. I wonder if Chase gets arrested too...he killed that African dictator and as a doctor, that's the last thing you should ever do. No matter who the patient is, you have a responsibility to save lives, not take them away.


I loved the first season of Fringe, but the seconds seems to be lacking. They built up all that hype over the alternate dimension, and didn't carry that storyline forward into season two. I'm not even sure what they're doing anymore. (and I'm not confused) I understand the storyline, but I want a more focused direction. X Files was good because Moulder always wanted to find proof of alien life. That was like, the ultimate goal. Olivia doesn't seem to have any real goals so far. That sucks.


And Metalocalypse is well...Metalocalypse!

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i used to watch navy cis from now and then but to be honest all these csi cis sci ics and so on shows bloody suck imo, miami being the worst of them, heck even miami vice was better... and horatio is the worst actor and character ever invented, i hate it when a show makes me want the main dude and his friends to die every second i watch it but it never happens :rolleyes:

they are stupid, unrealistic and really just portray unjustice most of the time, its like watching a show made like all shows would be if the nazis would have won the war...


tried deadwood and really like its atmosphere and characters but its soooo slow, barely scrap happens and its so depressing most of the time aswell


so well, id say good ones are:


"law and order" (all of the main 3 except those with jeff goldblum, he sucks)


"the wire" (police vs criminals, a two sided view, sometimes a tad slow but worth it)


"firefly" (space wester, basicly han solo in his own show, like cowboy beebop with real people, too few episodes imo, much too few... kathlyn jewel is just too sweet)

"cowboy beebop" (han solo in his own show! like firefly but animated, cowboy inspired firefly obviously)


"samurai champloo" (weee.... just weee, a samurai roadtrip with crazy stuff going on and 3 likable main characters, includes a few wonderful parodies on "hanzo the razor" as "manzo the saw" btw)


"chasers war on everything" (great comedy show from down there where kangoroos hump)


"Hanzo the Razor" (only 3 movies and probably politically totally incorrect but great entertainment, witty, funny and bloody as hell... great)

"m.d. house" (i cant watch him for prolonged periods tho, hes cool and stuff but sometimes the show gets annoying for some reason, prolly due to all the ill people)


"Battlefield Britain" [a history docu form foggy albion, i really like how it was made, great battle and battlefield visuals,the dad and son duo who narrate it kinda suck tho... like those dudes on the totally inaccurate history channel (vikings with horned helmets? yeah sure... screw history channel its crap) which claim to be super soldiers or generals or whatever but have no bloody clue on what they actually do, these two brits know their stuff but they still seem kinda colonish]


all docus with terry jones, a former monthy python, "medieval lives" is quite nice for example


"deep blue" (BBC ocean docu, plain great...)


all docus by "Steve Irving" (one just has to love that blouk and hihs founny auccent and ouf course hihs snaiik wrestling skillz, rip mr irving :()




i must say documentary wise the british ones are probably the best... german ones are too slow and boring as hell most of the time except for example for this nature freak who once screamed away a funking grizzly bear on one of his tours, american ones are sensational but 100% nonsense and uneducational but the brits somehow usually get it right

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There's some shows that I've been waiting to see, but simply never got around to watching. Lost, would be one of them. And I've never seen any of the CSI shows either so I can't comment on whether or not these show are any good to me. I have seen The Wire. Watched it religiously, in fact. Very good. I actually own all of Cowboy Beebop's and Samurai Champloo's episodes. Love them both.


I'll go on a limb and tentatively agree with Jaysus about the documentaries. I haven't seen too many Britain docs, but the ones that I have watched were very good. Conversely, I think European comedians aren't very funny. I'm not sure if its because I'm more in tune with American pop culture, though.


I've also noticed a drop off with some of the recent shows that have popped up. Remember Prison Break? Excellent first season. After that...Dollhouse, (another show that I never watched) has also been canceled. I loved Hero's first season, but it simply got lame after that. I'm surprised that it's still running. Characters I like were killed off while the ones I hated died, and came back. And then there's the confusing storyline...


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