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It's Thanksgiving


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It's family holiday for most and time to be thankful for the good things in our lives. Four days off work or school and we get our roast turkey a month before you brits. :)


Happy Thanksgiving!

Have some pumpkin pie!



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Can I be bothered to go on a rant about the history of Thanksgiving? Bah, too much effort, someone else do it 8)


Happy Thanksgiving, you exploitationist American pig-dogs! :D Enjoy all that food that you get, plus the time off work/school, holidays and wonderful parades.


EDIT:- 600th post, woohoo! Hmm, too bad its one where I show myself to be slothful. Oh well.

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Oh, alright I'll do it loveme...










All jokes aside I hope you enjoy your holiday, I understand it's one where the family comes together. Never a bad thing to promote in society.

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All jokes aside I hope you enjoy your holiday, I understand it's one where the family comes together. Never a bad thing to promote in society.




(you know, all these American holidays have reminded me, We should have an official british empire day. That would rock!)

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(you know, all these American holidays have reminded me, We should have an official british empire day. That would rock!)


Aside to Vaanic: Um....what empire? We lost it.


Actually, it's still around, albeit renamed The Commonwealth, which still has 53 countries in it, all of whom have the queen as their head of state. as a matter of fact, the Commonwealth Summit began today. Sure, it's hardly an Empire, but it's the remains of it.


And I know that you already know that, Dark0ne.

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Nah Thanksgiving isn't about American empire, wars, politics, or even religion anymore.


You guys do have a Commonwealth Day. Isn't Saint George's Day another day to celebrate being English? Holidays like Saint Patrick's Day and Chinese New Year are real big in my area. The Caledonian Club organizes a big Scottish festival and highland games every year. If we don't have an English holiday, we should.


I think the great majority of Americans are proud of their nationality and their history. They're proud of the British portion of their heritage too. Sometimes I think the British worry too much about their history. Do you think Italians are ashamed of the Roman Empire?

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I think the great majority of Americans are proud of their nationality and their history. They're proud of the British portion of their heritage too. Sometimes I think the British worry too much about their history. Do you think Italians are ashamed of the Roman Empire?


Ah, yes. There are a few british that are ashamed of the evil of the empire, but that's due to things like the Mau Mau Rebellion and such, it's understandable, but they tend to oversee the good that the Empire did, like it's role in both World Wars.


But this isn't the British Empire, it's about thanksgiving, So I'll say a (very) Belated Happy Thanksgiving to you all:


Happy Thanksgiving.

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