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Rigor mortis mod?


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So I was thinking to myself the other day, "where in Skyrim would be the best place to play a game of High How Can I Stack Dead Bandits?"


And that, logically enough, led to "I wonder if I can play Dead Bandit Jenga."


However, with the bodies limp and ragdolling all around, they won't really stack neatly enough. So, just for fun, would it be possible to make a mod that would lock them into a position? Hands at sides and legs together would work for Dead Bandit Jenga.


Or just lock them in whatever position they died in and play Dead Bandit Tetris.

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A powerful paralysis enchantment will "lock" NPC's in whatever position they were in when they died (even when they're sitting on a chair). Your critical hit change will have to be 100% percent for this to work on all NPC's though.

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