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Character Statistic Problem (Health, Stamina, Magicka)!


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I made myself a mod in CK (Ebony armor set including mostly mage oriented stats) adding around 200 magicka in total, around 50 health and 75 stamina. Also +25 Light armor and +40 Speechcraft.


So my problem is this: I was wearing this armor for some time and when I got myself a different one, I just disabled this mod WHILE HAVING THE ARMOR EQUIPPED. Then I launched the game and saw my character's statistics higher than they should be. I took off all my gear and was standing naked with still these bonus magicka, health and stamina rates. I managed to get the statistics somewhat back to what they used to be (probably) before this issue but the Light armor and Speechcraft bonus remains. So in short:


Q: 'I made myself an armor mod, wore it and disabled it later on while having the set equipped. Even now, when the mod is disabled I still have the bonus statistics from my custom armor set that I am not using anymore. How do I get rid of these bonuses that do not belong to my character anymore?'


Thank you in advance

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Try re-enabling the mod, then equipping the armour again. This should add the proper bonus' back to your character. Then, with the mod enabled, un-equip the armour. This should then remove the bonus' to your character. Then you can disable the mod and it should work. If I were you I would NEVER disable a mod whilst it is currently having an effect in game, for example if you are wearing the armour.

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Try re-enabling the mod, then equipping the armour again. This should add the proper bonus' back to your character. Then, with the mod enabled, un-equip the armour. This should then remove the bonus' to your character. Then you can disable the mod and it should work. If I were you I would NEVER disable a mod whilst it is currently having an effect in game, for example if you are wearing the armour.


That's what I tried the first time and it didn't work :x thank you anyway

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player.modav lightarmor -25

player.modav speechcraft -40

awesome! this is exactly what I needed. I already edited my health, stamina and magicka somewhat near to what it used to be before I screwed it up but I don't think it is accurate anyway.


I should be able to calculate this by myself so anyway, thanks again :-)

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