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How many mods do YOU have.


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You'll be suprised how many mods you can run without having problems. I don't(often)have any difficulties.


Basicly this is for. . .


How many mods you have in total:


How many are active:


And if you want . . .


Top five favorites:


Well, guess i'll start. . .


Mods in total: 251+ (soon to be more)


Active: 143+ (if I find something new)


I don't have any personal favorites right at this moment.


And no problems.

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Lets see...


In total there are 132 mods

There are 109 active mods

My top five is

1. Tears of The Fiend

2. Unnecessary Violence

3. Sentient Weapons II

4. Midas Magic Spells of Aurum

5. Hatsutoli Tiefling Races II Demon Revolution


There is no major conflicts or anything and if there is it's usually patched so everything works just fine.

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126 lol with QTP3 Redimized and some other high resolution stuff


My favorites are UFF Ranger Armor, All Natural, Vim and Vigor Advanced, Deadly Reflex, and oh it's kinda hard to choose haha. I like a lot of realism, lore, and immersion stuff.


Never have any problems or conflicts. Runs like a champ...40FPS outdoors with QTP3 ;) not bad for my old 7950GT lol

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Lord have mercy, I have 66 gigs of mods.


I have around 13 gecko merges with anywhere from ten to 35 mods packed into each, mostly clothes and armors, but some are weapons, pose mods, obviously not counting everything packed into those merges, I have 235 mods active.


My favorite mods are many but Supreme Magicka, Companion Share Recruit, Harvest Containers, denock arrows, and advanced magecraft are some I wouldn't want to play without.

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Ok.. I have 85 mods now XD Planning to download more and more just because nexus works again haha XD.


For now... I'll just press the start game button hoping it will start up.. i have the fear after adding up 34 mods more it wont work anymore XD.

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