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Best Character, skin and faces Mods packs


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Hi guys,

The title says all, FIRST, I’m more interested on NPCs! Not on my char, I see a lot of beautiful screenshots in game, but they all from a customized creation of the playable char, I WANT MY NPCs Looking nice =D...


I’m using the Character, skin and faces from the http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30936/?
I had problems with the ENBs "http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1550768-another-ctd/" (if you want to take a look, no one answerd), so I had to uninstall everything, and now I’m starting all over and beginning with Character, skin and faces Mods First.
Im using now:

  1. All in One Face for Dawnguard Vampire and Vanilla Races - UNP
  2. ApachiiSkyHair
  3. ApachiiSkyHair natural Retexture
  4. DIMONIZED UNP female body
  6. Real Girls Realistic Body Texture for UNP UNPB and SeveNBase - WIP
  7. Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles
  8. The Eyes Of Beauty
  9. Underworld Dawnguard - Vampire and Werewolf Eyes
  10. Vampire Lord Retexture
  11. No More Ugly Bronze Shine
  12. Going to use Coverkhajiits by mrLenski

Not using - UNP BLESSED BODY- UNPB REDUX PROJECT by Blessed Redux Project team (That’s in the list)...... The thing is, I like big boobs and the realistic bouncing and all, but if you’re not on a front view of the naked NPC they look horribly fake and bad... and because its for the NPCs, when I only see them when I kill a girl in game and steal everything, She’s just there, on the floor looking bad with no gravity affecting the boobs lol. Don’t know if there’s a different mod that can use the Real Girls Realistic Body Texture for UNP UNPB and SeveNBase - WIP - that I really like, or even (IDEIA) one that randomizes big and small boobs on the NPCs.

Now, Some Problems... I would like to use Better Females by Bella Version , For what I seen it makes NPCs faces really better, and I would like to use has well ApachiiHairStylesOnNPCs...
But both of them make a very viewable color change in the neck to the body... I already used for the ApachiiHairStylesOnNPCs the Color Mismatch Fix... But there’s still a line in the neck and a smother change of color... I can live with that one.... But I can’t use the Better Females by Bella because the change is too big.

Ok Guys Help me out.

What is your Best Character, skin and faces Mods constumized packs for you?
Why is it better?
What changes?
And are there fixes for my problem?

Don’t forget this is more for the NPCs Overall, I just want to run around with my Dragon Born, and do the DLCs I never did with the new graphics the mods give me.

TY =)


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Personally, I hated Apachii, it's like making the entire world have emo-punk hair styles plus making Jzargo's hair intolerable, so I went for Superior Lore Friendly Hair.


Second that!


Try these:

Beauty Faces for females

Superior Lore-Friendly Hair - HD textures (for me the best hair mod out there)

High Res Face Maps for Men by Geonox

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Hahahahaha, I agree a bit with the apachi hair (emo like) ahahahahha, Becouse Im just testing the mods out from a new game, the other guys that help you the the beagining look really bad xD. (but it looks good on girls) =\

But are the ones you guys sayd compatible with the other ones I have?
Im gonna test it out

Edited by salreta
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Apachii SkyHair doesn't affect anyone but the player unless you install (a) mod(s) that edit/create NPCs that use that hair. I use both Apachii's hairs and SLF hair; Apachii for my character and a few select NPCs, and SLF for everyone else. If it's the Oblivion-like clean and smooth hair you don't like, there are a couple of retexture mods you can use. You can also just avoid the 'emo' hairstyles and use the more natural ones (which is what I do). Apachii only converted them for Skyrim because people requested them anyway, and she was nice enough to convert many hairstyles for other people. =)



"What is your Best Character, skin and faces Mods constumized packs for you?"

Female: CBBE. I use the CBBE FacePack with 'Darker Feminine Brows', and my own BodySlide preset.

Male: Better Males, Sundracon meshes. Subtle Male Skeleton. Smooth Males. Fine Male Face Textures.

Both: Natural Eyes. Apachii SkyHair. SLF Hairs. Ethereal Elven Overhaul. Enhanced Character Edit. CoverKhajiits.

Kids: XVision Children. (Swapped the girls' face and body textures for the low-res CBBE ones, due to the default ones here being shiny.)

NPC Makeovers: Bean's Badass Men. Talvas Remake. Follower Facelifts. Pretty Boys (but I use much older .esps that don't have the 'Eyes of Beauty' requirement.)


"Why is it better?"

Female mods: CBBE has BodySlide, and with it I can customise the body shape to fit my preferences. So far, CBBE is the only female body mod (out of around 60) that comes anywhere close to my own body shape. The rest either have huge breasts, weird proportions, or look like they have implants...or all three. Of course, CBBE can also have these issues depending on what slider settings you use, but the default body shapes are quite well-proportioned (although Curvy is rather large in a lot of aspects.)


Male mods: There aren't many mods for males on Nexus anyway, and these are the best from what I've seen, due to not having really awkward proportions (well, SunDracon's, anyway), and Subtle Skeleton goes towards fixing how bulky the default skeleton makes males look. Fine Male Face Textures make all males look a lot better


Both: Natural eyes doesn't give bizarre eye colours, and they actually look realistic. Apachii SkyHair lets me have nice long hairstyles that are absent form the vanilla game. SLF hairs retexture the default hairstyles, so NPCs can have clean smooth hair like Apachii's. EEO makes the elves more unique (NPCs included), and ECE gives many sliders to customise my character's face. CoverKhajiits retextures the Khajiit faces to make their faces less blurry and more realistic.


Children: Stops the kids looking like potatoes/troll dolls, and gives them new hairstyles and eye colours. Also makes the children look the race they're meant to be.


NPS: I like at least some of the guys in my game to look handsome, simples. Downloaded the one for the females just 'cause I had so many male ones, and it was the best of the ones I saw that didn't turn all the girls in the game into highly-sexualised glamazons, and kept it to a single .esp.


"What changes?"

For what, all of them? Face, body, hair, eyes. Both player and NPCs are affected by the various body mods.


"And are there fixes for my problem?"

Which one?

BBP not working with clothed NPCs: You need to install a mod that replaces the vanilla outfit meshes with BBP-compatible ones.

Neckseams with Bella's mod: In the CBBE archive is TexBlendLite, a one-click tool that blends the neckseam between the default CBBE textures and whatever face mod you have installed. You can try using the full version of TexBlend with non-default textures, although results may vary due to the different tones and such of body mods. Sometimes, it is best to use body/head textures that come together, as usually the mod author made sure there would be no seams.

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=D Nice, thx Jeir


Yeah About the Apachi I was talking about the one that affects NPCs, I didn’t get how do you make it affect only females, because Apachi Hair looks great on females, bad on guys if I can do that it would be great help, have no idea how to doh =\

Going to try your male skins, It seem Bean's Badass Men is what I’m looking for, for the NPC guys, THX

Hmmm, CBE is nice I tried it out, the thing is, the texture bit fake, I love the Real Girls Realistic Body Texture for UNP UNPB and SeveNBase - WIP It looks So realistic skin, and if I just use the normal DIMONIZED UNP female body they don’t end up with fake implants =D, and they don’t go together, if you put them together it does 2 nipples lol, it’s like every girl in skirim has a mole in each boob not very beautiful to look at eheheheh

About the neck problems, becouse of all the textures the fixes dont work together most likly becouse I insist on having the Real Girls Realistic Body Texture for UNP UNPB and SeveNBase - WIP... and they dont go togheter, maibe its the order Im instaling them... no idea. But great help Thx again, starting now downloading and testing them out

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=D Nice, thx Jeir


Yeah About the Apachi I was talking about the one that affects NPCs, I didn’t get how do you make it affect only females, because Apachi Hair looks great on females, bad on guys if I can do that it would be great help, have no idea how to doh =\

Going to try your male skins, It seem Bean's Badass Men is what I’m looking for, for the NPC guys, THX

Hmmm, CBE is nice I tried it out, the thing is, the texture bit fake, I love the Real Girls Realistic Body Texture for UNP UNPB and SeveNBase - WIP It looks So realistic skin, and if I just use the normal DIMONIZED UNP female body they don’t end up with fake implants =D, and they don’t go together, if you put them together it does 2 nipples lol, it’s like every girl in skirim has a mole in each boob not very beautiful to look at eheheheh

About the neck problems, becouse of all the textures the fixes dont work together most likly becouse I insist on having the Real Girls Realistic Body Texture for UNP UNPB and SeveNBase - WIP... and they dont go togheter, maibe its the order Im instaling them... no idea. But great help Thx again, starting now downloading and testing them out


You can open up the mod in TES5Edit, and remove the bits of the mod that affect male characters. Best to read up on how to do so first, so you don't mess anything up.

CBBE's default textures are painted from real skin textures. They're photorealistic, and you can't get much more 'real' than that. The only thing is that they're hairless and clean, which not everyone likes, but there are mods out there to solve it (and CBBE has a mod list...and is the only body mod that has such a comprehensive list). 'Body Imperfect', 'True Daughters of Skyrim' and 'SG Female Textures' are good mods to 'solve' that 'issue'.

Actually...I'll disagree with you about UNP. A lot. But, to avoid any kind of flame war from some over-zealous fans of that mod, I'll leave it at that.

Real Girls could be for CBBE...if Zonzai would just ask Caliente for the files s/he needs.

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Hahahaha, Don’t worry about me I don’t flame opinions xD, the help is great =), installing the male versions now, I will test the CBBE again don’t know what is it, I just really like that texture skin mode ahahahaha.

I just want to replay the game and do all the DLCs I didn’t do with great Graphics that the mods give me now, so it’s mostly for the NPCs, not only I like the first person view, I play has a guy. I just really want the NPCs looking good when I’m talking to them, killing them, and when I stripe there corpses clean and they are lying in the floor hehehehe.
I’m going to look for the specifications for the Apachi Hair mod to affect only females, and use the LFH mode for the men, with the male textures you gave, think if I can do that it will be perfect =D


Not only that, I know there are more threads like this, but non with all the mods (Very important) with the "Instal Order" for ppl like me, not modders but really want to replay the game with all the good mods, in the end I intend to put my mods in order HAS MY OPNION has the best =), its helps ppl alot,

at least http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/30936/? (SOME BUGS) but it helpd me

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Male mods: There aren't many mods for males on Nexus anyway, and these are the best from what I've seen, due to not having really awkward proportions (well, SunDracon's, anyway)


Except of the "schlong" SunDracon's does not edit the mesh for male body at all. It's more a texture mod.

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There are plenty mods to improve the quality of the skin, eyes and face.


Can anyone tell me those required to have the most realistic effects and preferably without having any texture collisions on some npc.


I don't need my characters to be sexy have E-cup boobs or anime-like hair, I could not care less about this stuff, I want realism and high resolution.


Anyone knows mods for that ?

Edited by WickedCat
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