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Oblivion randomly shuts off computer


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Does Oblivion have a function to shutdown a computer? At most it should throw a computer back to the desktop.



IMO your laptop is shutting itself down and you need to find out why. Check your desktop settings, especially idle settings and anything else that might cause an automatic shutdown or other problems. E.g. if applicable, try disabling automatic spindown on the hard drive and see if it helps. Also check the system error logs (e.g. Windows Event Viewer) for anything that might explain it.


Do the shutdowns occur in the middle of actually playing games, or after an idle period? If it's the first of those, it's almost certainly a temperature or hardware problem like a failing or full hard drive.

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It would be interesting and helpful if you could post your specs, especially the PSU and The Graphics card. I to suspect a heat problem, maybe you have overclocked your GPU? or are runing any specific high rez texture mods? Normally if the GPU overheats, the screen will go black but the pc will stay booted. If you get a blue screen and the pc actually completely shuts down then I suspect the system is doing a safe shutdown, normally caused by corrupted registry files. This would happen instantly. Another possibility is the PSU failing, not uncommon...does your PSU fan stay on for long periods? likewise with the GPU fan?

I cant recall any game that demands so much from a system as oblivion with its open world graphics and potential for being modded out to the max.

It may be nescessary to completely reinstall the game to preclude the possibility of malware residing inside the game engine, if as you say it only happens with oblivion. unlikely but when you have proved the hardware is ok then that is the step I would take.

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samsung series 9 laptop

Win7 64bit

i7-3517u cpu 1.9-2.4ghz

intel hd4000 graphics

directx 11

8192mb ram

12416mb pagefile


model pa-1400-24 samsung power adapter, 100-240v, 1amp,50-60hz input ... 19v 2.1amp output

No overclocked cpu, only texture mod is RTNM http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/38204/?

Yes, the laptop insantly completely shuts down


Also I've noticed that it appears to happen in certain areas more often like sheogorath's throne room when using the console

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With respect, not the best card fo oblivion.

When i used a laptop for the game it did not like being placed on on a surface like a carpet, had to put it on a cooler/riser or it would just overheat and turn off. Other than that i cant really say more.

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I recall reading somewhere on here that normal maps are real beasts for the graphics to render ... and as discovery has pointed out Intel integrated graphics isn't much of a graphics solution for Oblivion. Does it happen if you uninstall the normal map mod?

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Overheating (like bben said) because oblivion wastes drastically the cpu so it can be a temperature problem that is not with other games, or there is not enough power to the graphic card.


Are you sure having only a graphic card in your laptop? In general there is a graphic card for low power usage and an other for better performance and high power usage.

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No the laptop only has the intel hd4000


Also I've noticed that the shut down recently occurs when:

-enchanting a custom item with sigil stone

-collecting all the ingredients in frostcrag's garden

-fighting a fullactorcopy of the player character

none of those actions were graphically intensive I think

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