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Could a B-29 be used like an AC-130


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Actually, if the plane banks into a turn hard enough, side-mounted guns would be able to fire on ground targets as well. I (mistakenly, obviously) assumed that was the plan - to pretty much have this thing bristling with firepower. If you only plan on two or three guns max, then yeah, go with miniguns. Should be able to find a free GAU-19/A model somewhere.


And sorry about the techno-talk up there. I tend to get a little too in-depth with things like this >.> Plus, I look at things from a realistic perspective. The in-game ROF for miniguns (12-15 rounds per second) is about as fast as the A/NM2 I mentioned. Giving miniguns the same firing speed as their real-life counterparts wold probably break the game engine, because that's anywhere from 30 to 50 rounds per -second-.



.... See, there I go again! I'm just gonna go back to lurking now.



@ dangman: Thanks for the correction, dude.

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Actually, if the plane banks into a turn hard enough, side-mounted guns would be able to fire on ground targets as well. I (mistakenly, obviously) assumed that was the plan - to pretty much have this thing bristling with firepower. If you only plan on two or three guns max, then yeah, go with miniguns. Should be able to find a free GAU-19/A model somewhere.


And sorry about the techno-talk up there. I tend to get a little too in-depth with things like this >.> Plus, I look at things from a realistic perspective. The in-game ROF for miniguns (12-15 rounds per second) is about as fast as the A/NM2 I mentioned. Giving miniguns the same firing speed as their real-life counterparts wold probably break the game engine, because that's anywhere from 30 to 50 rounds per -second-.


I think it would be best to remove the other guns to save some weight. Plus a minigun and possible cannon (still not sure what would be best for this) would make it look more bad ass when seeing it fire.

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Cannon? Hmmm... possibly a 40mm light cannon? I think it's written on the NCR anti-air gun at Hoover Dam that it's 40mm, so it's entirely possible that they uprooted that thing and just stuck it on the bomber.


I can't seem to find any information on the gun other than that It's destroyed by the Legion, I'm also pretty sure it didn't work since it's been sitting outside for over 200 years.

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The range limit is not going to have anything to do with real world - it has to do with how far the game engine tracks a single round. Which may not be far enough to use at any realistic altitude. At a certain game distance, the bullets just cease to exist You may have to adjust that distance in the GECK or fly closer to the target so the bullets still work ( or both)


There is a huge difference between maximum effective range and absolute maximum range. Effective means you have a reasonable expectation of hitting a target at that distance - absolute is how far that projectile can fly under ideal conditions.


The absolute maximum range of guns and rockets (real life) is measured based on firing them from the ground at a target on the ground - and eventually gravity causes the projectile to fall far enough to hit the ground and just not be able to go any further no matter how much you elevate the barrel. Firing from an aircraft the projectile will fly until it reaches the ground no matter how far that may be - After a certain range, the projectile will reach an equilibrium where it just has no accuracy at all and tends to drift around. So, if a weapon shows a maximum range of 2000 meters and it is fired from an aircraft at 5000 meters - it can still do just as much damage if it can hit a target at all. A rocket type projectile ( red glare) can maintain its basic accuracy for a certain distance beyond where the propellent runs out - and then starts to wander. If it's speed drops far enough it can tumble. For game purposes, I expect the absolute max range (where the projectile is no longer tracked and vanishes) to be about the same for any projectile.

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If the aircraft is to far away for it to operate properly in game there are ways around that. Lower it closer to the ground, make it look smaller while altering some of the details, slow it down, and make the projectiles speed up as it gets closer to the ground (not sure that's if possible though). Some of the details about how it operates would be told to the player by a few NPCs to give the illusion that it's operating at a higher altitude. I also can't imagine enemy NPCs attacking it as it wouldn't be an NPC but merely an world object with some sound effects and projectiles firing from it.

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  • 5 months later...

If the aircraft is to far away for it to operate properly in game there are ways around that. Lower it closer to the ground, make it look smaller while altering some of the details, slow it down, and make the projectiles speed up as it gets closer to the ground (not sure that's if possible though). Some of the details about how it operates would be told to the player by a few NPCs to give the illusion that it's operating at a higher altitude. I also can't imagine enemy NPCs attacking it as it wouldn't be an NPC but merely an world object with some sound effects and projectiles firing from it.

This.......... You theoretically could use the original "Red Glare" and "Mini-gun" if you do this. As long as the player doesn't TCM to your model you have nothing to worry about.

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