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Roleplay Ideas


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Hi ! Any ideas for a cool playthrough ?

I allways play a Nord with 1 handed, Archer, Sneak, Heavy and Light armor (Depending on the situation I change between both) (Little bit of block too but with weapon not shield) and i'm getting sick of it haha

I tryed Wood Elf Ranger: archer, sneak, alchemy

Breton thief : Sneak, 1h daggers, Archery, Lockpick.

I wanna try another thing.. something fun. I started today a Nord Archer.. but I decided that if I found another idea i'll try it. I wanna change nords, although I allways choose em because It makes no sense that anyone besides a nord is a Dragonborn. Well.. maybe not, that's just me.

Alright, if anyone wanna share some cool ideas or if u wanna share your playthrough, feel free to do it ! :O

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Try a criminal Altmer woman that fled from the isles to skyrim to ecape the thalmor.

In Skyrim shes criminal again, robs houses kill the residents and other bandits.

Light armor, one handed, destruction and she loves poison of all kind....alchemy.


A khajiit tomb raider famous in Elswyr. Now in skyrim to rob the draugr graves.

Heavy Armor, archer, and for close combat just his racial ability the claws, sneak


Some kind of "Sheriff" from Cyrodiil a imperial - not a bounty hunter ... a knight in

service of the empire, with Two-handed Hammer like Luthor Huss from Warhammer Fantasy.


A run away orc woman that dont want to be married with a warlord, and lives as a shaman in the


One handed (Axe), Destruction (just fire and shock), Healing spells, Alchemy

Edited by kysadhuras79
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It sounds like you haven't tried a mage build yet? I'd say maybe give that a shot if you haven't. After completing the main quest with an assassin-style character, I had him semi-retire at the College of Winterhold. My next ES game playthough, I intend to try going full-mage though, as I never have (was a bosmer archer in Oblivion, then an Orc warrior in Skyrim before my current Khajiit assassin+archmage). Before I decided to stick with the same character, I was going to start a new playthrough as either a fresh-faced Breton or Altmer college student, or possibly a new Altmer spy in the Thalmor (courtesy of Live Another Life).


To be honest though, so far I'd have to say magic might need some mods or livening up in Skyrim. Granted, I'm facing tougher-than-normal enemies than if I started as a mage, but I often find myself going back to my dagger+bow playstyle rather than magic.


Edit: I wanted to note also, that race doesn't seem to be a huge factor, so it might be worth switching things up and trying a non-Nord too. I started using the Khajiit speak mod recently on my main playthrough, and while it's a small thing, it helps add some unique life to the character (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14513/?).

Edited by ponyboy10
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I'm playing a Nord who was visiting the Imperial City when it was sacked by the Thalmor. He's spent the intervening years in a hidden prison colony in the Summerset Iles, where he learned to survive and even undermine the brutal rule of his jailors by assembling a set of skills taught to him by a number of different mentors on the island. He learned the art of keeping himself hidden from a Khajiit rebel, how to defend himself in hand-to-hand combat from an Imperial also taken in the sacking of the Imperial City, and was taught how to wield a bow by a Bosmer master.


He recently escaped and returned to Skyrim, only to find his native land torn apart by civil war, the return of the dragons, and the lingering threat of Thalmor invasion. Now he uses the strength and abilities he gained in Alinor in the name of defending and rescuing his beloved homeland. He'll stop at nothing to save his homeland, even if it means becoming a criminal in the eyes of the Empire to do so.


Nord works best from a roleplaying point of view - no other race would care about Skyrim specifically as much as a native son might. But anyone who hates the Thalmor works, albeit to a slightly lesser extent.

Edited by Hyacathusarullistad
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Wuu, I have some cool ideas here, I wanted to try a beast race, Khajiit, Argonian or maybe a Dunmer, Altmer from Mer races but I just finished a Imperial Legion playthrough and I don't think that any of this races would want to join the stormcloacks.. Ulfric kinda hates them haha

Does it worth play as a evil guy ? I mean.. I love having skyrim with much population so I never kill non-quest npc unless a quest says so.. I allways play the good guy. Either way, I'm gonna try it haha It's gonna be hard.

But I'll try the assassin-thief maybe (an assassin with honor though haha... kills just for business) Maybe a mage.. even if I dont fancy magic a lot.. I just use Healing and Alteration spells.

haha thanks for the ideas !

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If you want something really different, I ran this play through once and it completely changed Skyrim, made for a very unique experience...pure magic (I am not fond of playing Mages either) but she proved a whole lot of fun.


A Pacifist, she used only Illusion, Alteration, Restoration, Sneak, Pick Pocket, Speech and Lock Pick, no Weapons of any kind, nor Armor and no companions...she never harmed another, but still managed to explore all over and complete a number of quests...My favorite moment with her, she Pick Pocketed a needed Key off a Bandit, I thought she got away clean with it, but then some Hired Thugs came after her, she Pick Pocketed them clean too... :laugh: ...I want to know how they explained that to the Bandit... :tongue: ...The game was achievable, took a lot of thought and finding new ways of doing things, but was going well, I did have to use a Mod to give her Illusion a boost, but otherwise all good until I decided to activate the Dragons, that's when the game when pear shaped, Illusion doesn't work on Dragons....But a Pacifist is a great deal of fun to try if you don't mind being Dragon free.

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  On 4/1/2014 at 8:42 PM, fedeenjoi said:


But I'll try the assassin-thief maybe (an assassin with honor though haha... kills just for business) Maybe a mage.. even if I dont fancy magic a lot.. I just use Healing and Alteration spells.

FWIW, my current character is sort of a lawful assassin, if you will. I had just played through Dishonored before I started this character, and so I tried to model a similar character. Unfortunately, it's a lot harder to play Skyrim w/o killing anyone. However, I did also install the Void Walker and Mask of Corvo mods to help seal the deal. I've tried to play out of my comfort zone though, in general. I usually play as an archer-ranger character in games, given the option, and that's what I had in Oblivion.


Like was said above, a mage might be a fun change of pace for you. If you can roleplay an interesting backstory, even better. After I tire of this character, I really want to replay either this or an earlier TES game as a full mage and/or a "bad" character (I always end up being a goodie-two-shoes).

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haha, me too, I tryed to play a bad character but I can't haha I allways end up helping everyone, spare guys that did something wrong (like the quest of Azhidal's reliques.. I allways spare the guy haha. I even haven't play the Dawnguard Vampire side story.. I allways side with Dawnguard.. I might side with vampires this time. It's time for me to try Vampire side.

the only bad thing is that i'm playing as a Nord again. I can't imagine a Khajiit, Argonian, Altmer, Bosmer, Dunmer joining the Stormcloacks haha. And I don't wanna play imperials again. Too bad, I wanted to be a Khajiit Assassin-Thief :(

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  On 4/2/2014 at 10:30 PM, fedeenjoi said:

haha, me too, I tryed to play a bad character but I can't haha I allways end up helping everyone, spare guys that did something wrong (like the quest of Azhidal's reliques.. I allways spare the guy haha. I even haven't play the Dawnguard Vampire side story.. I allways side with Dawnguard.. I might side with vampires this time. It's time for me to try Vampire side.


the only bad thing is that i'm playing as a Nord again. I can't imagine a Khajiit, Argonian, Altmer, Bosmer, Dunmer joining the Stormcloacks haha. And I don't wanna play imperials again. Too bad, I wanted to be a Khajiit Assassin-Thief :sad:

Lol, whatever works :) I've actually yet to play a Nord, but I often get the impression that the player race really doesn't matter a whole lot. Even for roleplaying, you can kind of just make up a convoluted backstory. For the Stormcloaks, you can just put it down to how the Imperials tried to kill you and/or hating the Thalmor.

Also, I love my current Khajiit assassin-y character :)

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