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Music folder question.


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I've added my own mp3 files into these folders that are suited to my taste. So the question is, does changing them to .wav improve the playing quality? As I have noticed, sometimes my game pauses or stutters when the game tries to load a new sound.

E.g. A battle has started, game pauses for awhile like lag, new battle song plays.


reason I asked about .wav is because I remember something about .wav files being more "optimized" or "smoother" to play in Fallout 3.

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the only thing that's better about .wav files is that there is minimal loss from the compression, which in turn makes the files HUGE (sheesh I think it's like 10MB for one minute or something crazy like that). .mp3s lose some quality but of course are way much smaller. There is nothing more "optimized" about .wav, they just sound better.


Skipping and jumping right before a song kicks in is mostly to do with your sound card/audio chipset and Oblivion's music script. Personally, I turned off the background music in the .ini and gained 10FPS (the script uses your CPU and is always running if music in enabled). I don't have a sound card, just my onboard chipset. You will notice quite a jump when adding a sound card, next thing on my list ;).

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what kind of sound card or audio chipset do you have? I will feel very very bad if you have SigmaTel audio lol...it's so horrible. But, even Realtek isn't perfect. A cheapy Creative card would be a little bit better than onboard Realtek, but not by much.
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Also, converting an mp3 to wav won't improve sound quality. The sound quality that was lost in the mp3 compression can't be recovered just by merely converting it to wav. It will only bloat the file size(since it is less compressed than an mp3) but the sound quality will only be just as good/bad as the mp3 source.
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I have an integrated (I think well atleast it was the card that came with when I first bought the computer) Realtek High Def Audio.

But I'd have to say its about 3-4 years old. Probably going to get an entire new comp though.


ya, that be it then, dear. I have the same audio and a I get a little "jerk" right before the battle music starts. But after playing this game for almost 5 years now, the music gets a little dull :P

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