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Recruiting members for large scale project.


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Attention all Nexus Members. I am happy to announce the beginning of a compilation project, and I am now recruiting any and all who wish to contribute. This compilation will accumulate the working efforts and most up to date features of many mods whose names will be released upon completion of the project, all credits given and permissions asked for first of course.


I have already received permission from over 80% of the mods I will integrate, and will find more to add as the project comes along. Some I must ask for are from FWE, MMM, PB, WP, CRAFT, CALIBR, and other famous mods. Some mods I will not directly use but will accordingly give credit for inspiration.


The purpose of this project is to end the improper interactions and confusing mixture between numerous mods. There should be very little if anything at all that has to be changed thanks to the integration of the number of features that will change. I read the forums and see too many people suffering from these conflicts. Downloading the end result of this will bring about the end of this problem.


The goal of this project is to create an assortment of improvements to all factors in the game. These factors include Weapons, Ammo, Armor, Followers and their combat AI, Areas, and many other game play related features, even create the perfect Vault for the player with an involving yet simple storyline. This project will require Scripts, Textures, Weapon and Armor Modifications, Body work, Proper Debugging, (And no this does not mean beta testers so do not sign up just to play an unfinished mod.) Creative Cell Layouts and Cluttering, Monster tweaks, User Interface tweaks, (And no this does not mean changing Darnified's UI it means doing other things that his UI has nothing to do with.), Voice Acting, and even Quest Manipulation.


Please note that those who choose to use this mod will have a completely new and absolutely unique experience. No single mod available at the time of this writing will be able to accomplish what is being done here, even with Compatibility Patches. This project will be an actual integration of many mods, no patches for compatibility, everything will have been thought of here.


Should you have a mod that you wish to submit to the project or wish to contribute by handling some operations here and do some of the actual work please contact me via Personal Message. Post questions here about the purpose of this mod and the features that are intended to be added and I will answer to the best of my abilities as the project progresses.


I am hoping that the major modders on the forum are willing to help, the more people who join the better. Should you, the reader, be the creator and/or owner of the mods that were previously mentioned above, please message me with official final permissions to do as I can. Helpful tips on how to handle your individual mods and/or how they interact/conflict with other mods can and will help.


Thank you for your hospitality.




P.S.: I have posted this same exact Thread on several topic pages on this forum in the hopes my recruitment process can accelerate, and this is knowing that such an act is frowned upon on any forum. I apologize for this, but I needed to make certain that this was seen. I do not wish to break the rules but I must assure this project can and will begin. I am serious in my endeavor to create this Final Mod. Delete any copies you see fit to delete while leaving one where you, the site moderator, believe it is best viewed in.


Again, my apologies, and here's hoping that project "Revelation 21:6" will come to fruition.

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P.S.: I have posted this same exact Thread on several topic pages on this forum in the hopes my recruitment process can accelerate, and this is knowing that such an act is frowned upon on any forum. I apologize for this, but I needed to make certain that this was seen. I do not wish to break the rules but I must assure this project can and will begin. I am serious in my endeavor to create this Final Mod. Delete any copies you see fit to delete while leaving one where you, the site moderator, believe it is best viewed in.


Yes, it IS frowned upon, and knowing the rules you went ahead and did it anyway. This constitutes spam. As it is relevant spam, this one can stay, but do this again, and you will be removed entirely.



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Yes, it IS frowned upon, and knowing the rules you went ahead and did it anyway. This constitutes spam. As it is relevant spam, this one can stay, but do this again, and you will be removed entirely.




My apologies entirely, but please take note that it is not easy to recruit people for a project of this scale. Already I received a reply from a good modder and I have reinforced high hopes for the project.


Come on people, let's keep those ideas pouring in, lend me a hand and you will all see a truly spectacular mod. The general idea for the mod will include:


New weapons taken from over half of the Nexus, reworked for intercompatibility and able to be customized from pieces of other weapons and parts from the Weapons Mod Kit idea by anistar. An effective Grenade Launcher made from the Rock-It Launcher, and/or the Experimental M.I.R.V. to have the same menu as the Rock-It Launcher, but can only load things like landmines, grenades, or even a pre-customized and compatible number of Mini-Nukes. Might even fire missiles like the Miss Launcher making for an effective Mortar.


New armors helmets and general clothing, taken from over half of the Nexus, alterations and customizations such as adding a nightvision or binocular function to the average Combat Helmet. Want that +5 Barter from the Fedora on a Bandana which already has +5? Combine them and get either a Fedora or Bandana (random, or might have the Bandana tied around the Fedora itself, still undecided until I get a modeler) with the stats reworked. You could keep combining until you have headwear which gives you up to +15 Barter, speech, and almost as much defense as a Combat Helmet. This ideal will apply to weapons as is such possible.


New grenade customization system. Combine your grenades to have crossed effects, Take a Nuka Grenade and use an Iced Nuka Cola Quantum to give it a bit of a Cryo effect. (Ice Cold Nuka Grenade will have to be chilled for a full day as opposed to the immediate conversion for the normal Nuka Cola) Combine a Landmine with a Mini-Nuke and you can utilize the single most devastating Landmine in the game. Connect it to a tripwire for a tripmine so it doesn't explode with the enemy still on the other side of the door with only a single arm exposed, should be used in doorways. Have trouble throwing those grenades? Combine them with Railway Spikes and a small Wristwatch for a Dart that explodes in 3 seconds after impact. Shoot an enemy and watch the fun as he runs. Even a remote detonated bomb for fun with the Exploding Pants technique, or at least wait for a group of enemies to get into the full range of the explosive.


New Followers taken from pre-existing members of the wastelands, such as Sentinel Lyons, Amata, Harkness, Rory Maclaren (The guy in The Box in Paradise Falls), Sierra Petrova (But only after her quest is finished), Uncle Leo the rogue Super Mutant, The three Outcast Members left after Operation Anchorage is finished which are McGraw Morrill and Olin, Lulu from The Pitt, Marguerite from Point Lookout, and the Final Survivors of Mothership Zeta which are Somah, Sally, Elliot Tercorien, Paulson, and Toshiro Kago. With 15 people (not including Sally since she's just a kid) the versatility and fun never ends.


The fun doesn't stop there however, the Followers will have an extended and effective A.I.. Give them squad commands and manage their numbers (up to 3 Followers not including Dogmeat), Even call in a commandeered Vertibird for added support. But it won't be so easy, the Followers can feed themselves just fine, but they will be on alert at all times. The longest they can stay with you is 3 days, then you have to switch them out with 3 other people. Depending on how much longer you kept them after 3 days, they may need extended amounts of time to recover and rest up.


The enemies are already perfected thanks to Marts Mutant Mod, so I will have to ask permissions to utilize his mod into this one. One thing that will be added though is Wasteland Bosses. Some will always be around and might even respawn, some will only appear after certain quests or conditions are met. (A Scorpion Queen after killing 200 Albino Scorpions? Maybe...) The unique single spawn bosses will have special items that you will need to make truly unique items or to finish highly rewarding quests.


And finally, I present to you The Lone Wanderer's Vault, Vault 21:6. Here's how it can go.


What would you say to having the Mysterious Stranger get into trouble with a pack of Vicious Dogs when leaving the vault, possibly in one of the houses in Springvale? For saving him, you automatically gain the Mysterious Stranger perk and he leads you to an abandoned Vault where your "Father might have been, seeing as he was a vault dweller himself". (When in a certain range, you could have the option of choosing between seeing a male and female Mysterious Stranger in trouble, just for the fan boys.)


You are led to Vault Promo. The Vault used in many promotional advertisements since the real Vaults were being constructed on. From here you and the stranger are met with the "Residents of the Vault" who are raiders, animals, and in some instances further down the vault, robots and Super Mutants. But fear not, the Mysterious Stranger has allowed you usage of his/her own personal spare gun. (Must be bound to player like in Tranquility Lane, then removed after the last enemy is killed, also enemies in this Vault do NOT give exp. Also, these enemies should not be tampered with like the bodies in Tranquility Lane.)


You are not alone in the Vault, even considering the enemies. The Quartenion, the real residents of the Vault are here as well. They are basically the Outcast versions of Enclave Soldiers. This is the point where the Phalanx Mod also comes into play, since the characters have basically been already made there and just need to be imported here. You lead a group of 5 through the difficult Vault interior. A Ghoul in T-51b, a Human in T-51b, a Human in normal RobCo wear making him look like a Janitor, the Mysterious Stranger him/herself, and a Supermutant. (Will have to be textured and meshed properly to look differently from Fawkes and other mutants, this'd be a hard part of the project since I'd like to look into alterations for Fawkes, including Equippable Armor and possibly a funny relaxed wear, I'm thinking a Hawaiian shirt and shorts and even sandals, bunny slippers for true lulz?) This will also serve as a good way to familiarize oneself with different Squad Commands and how to utilize some weapons correctly.


Upon encountering the Final Boss, a Behemoth inside the largest room, you are given a Sniper Rifle with the Victory Rifle knockdown effect. (Mysterious Stranger gun removed at this point) and told to go to the highest floor and suppress it by knocking it down while the others wail on it. (This Behemoth might be a Gargantua from MMM, but even if it is or not should have twice the HP for a long and extended battle, it even might be one of the individual Bosses mentioned before.) Upon killing the Behemoth this way, you earn a great prize and talk to the Quartenion about the Vault and it's ins and outs. I suggest the developer of Phalanx take over this part as he seems to have a very fun system involving building and creating extra Pip-Boys for you, your followers and anyone living in the Vault.


These new Pip-Boys have all the same features as your old one, but now have a secondary screen that can be toggled by holding the Tab Button such as when turning on the light but in the menu. You have new options such as seeing the status screens of your current followers and looking at their supplies. You can even check the Vault's status. Food supplies, Munitions, and other stuff. You get messages from the official "Vault Chaplain" who is in charge of the ins and outs of the Vault while you are away. "Your 'selected supplies' have arrived." "There is someone here waiting for you for 'insert reason here'" (The person wants to become a normal resident, a hooker((Sorry but this is for all kinds of players)), a soldier, a scavenger, a security guard, is seeking refuge from slavers or raiders which you would have to kill just as they enter the Vault or sell them back their slave ((this should open up a slave trade feature from that point on)), wants to sell you some supplies, or was sent from somewhere to ask for help by either supplies, offering a soldier or Follower for protection, or asking you to contain a prisoner that they can't handle anymore.)


During Trouble on the Homefront, you have the option of Flushing out Vault 101 and forcing it's residents to leave and live in the Capitol Wasteland. Why not just have them come to your Vault instead? This could be a good recruitment method for Amata. The same might apply as an additional option for Big Town, or even The Republic of Dave.


This isn't the end of it. I plan to throw in more than this, this is just a demonstration for anyone wondering what I am talking about. If anyone has any issues with the features currently discussed, I will assure that it will be handled. Just ask and ye shall receive.


Thank you for your time.



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