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TES VI, Will it even happen?


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I really don't get why people keep on comparing how WoW killed Warcraft to the idea that ESO might kill TES, even if it earns, unless they want to get a backlash from the community, especially when they left so much hanging in the lore.


WoW was from the start, intended to kill Warcraft strategy games. The reason why no Warcraft 4 was released is that the story was continued in game in WoW. It's set in the aftermath of WC3. There's no point in maing a Warcraft 4 when they have a vehicle as WoW to continue the story.


With ESO, it's set ONE THOUSAND YEARS BEFORE SKYRIM. Plus they have lots of material to work with in there, setting it in an area of nearly continuous war, with lots or lore and records missing from that time period. The story line is already roughly done for several DLCs to come, and they have the advantage of using the Dragonbreak occurence to possibly create an alternate timeline where they can diverge from the main lore, allowing TES to continue without any lore conflict. If it's a matter of income, they can rake in cash from both games at the same time, which Warcraft can't do, considering the problem of overlapping storylines.

I have to admit I don't know a lot about Warcraft (I played the early ones, but didn't get too into the lore). However, you're right, I think it was smart to make ESO a super-prequel. That leaves the TES timeline intact, so if the past games are any indication, we'll likely be looking at TES VI occurring a few hundred years after Skyrim's setting.

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I really don't get why people keep on comparing how WoW killed Warcraft to the idea that ESO might kill TES, even if it earns, unless they want to get a backlash from the community, especially when they left so much hanging in the lore.


WoW was from the start, intended to kill Warcraft strategy games. The reason why no Warcraft 4 was released is that the story was continued in game in WoW. It's set in the aftermath of WC3. There's no point in maing a Warcraft 4 when they have a vehicle as WoW to continue the story.


With ESO, it's set ONE THOUSAND YEARS BEFORE SKYRIM. Plus they have lots of material to work with in there, setting it in an area of nearly continuous war, with lots or lore and records missing from that time period. The story line is already roughly done for several DLCs to come, and they have the advantage of using the Dragonbreak occurence to possibly create an alternate timeline where they can diverge from the main lore, allowing TES to continue without any lore conflict. If it's a matter of income, they can rake in cash from both games at the same time, which Warcraft can't do, considering the problem of overlapping storylines.

I have to admit I don't know a lot about Warcraft (I played the early ones, but didn't get too into the lore). However, you're right, I think it was smart to make ESO a super-prequel. That leaves the TES timeline intact, so if the past games are any indication, we'll likely be looking at TES VI occurring a few hundred years after Skyrim's setting.

Actually,if we follow past games, the next TES game should be set within 30 years from the end of Skyrim. The time difference in setting from Arena to Oblivion is like less than 100 years, with Arena and Daggerfall occuring less than 10 years apart I think. With the current continent wide unrest, they could even make a TES6 Hammerfell or Elsweyr occuring simultaneously with the Skyrim timeline.

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people really should stop comparing ESO with the TES franchise

they made by different companies and they are both completly different games

what ever happenens with ESO will have no influence at all on the next development of TES

if i remember right people at bethesda amready on several occasions said that much


and secondfly nobody of us atleast not me want bethesda to go EA ( electronic arts) on us

meaning bringing out the same game year after year with only barely a difference and still charging theplayers the full price for a game that is exactly the same except that some of the pixels are wearing a different shirt


and how many franchises have been ruined because the publisher wanted a followup ASAP , ALOT

Seems to me the publishers in this are smarter than the people at EA


like i said i am afraid we will hae to wait another 3 years atleast

in the mean time i will keep enjoying skyrilm and fallout 4

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Lots of assuming in this thread with no official sources to back them up.


No one even knows if there will be a Fallout 4, or even a TES 6.


In the case of TES 6, we will all know for sure in about 3yrs, if going by their release trend.


In short, it is way too early to expect any news about TES 6. Still many years off people.

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Lots of assuming in this thread with no official sources to back them up.


No one even knows if there will be a Fallout 4, or even a TES 6.


In the case of TES 6, we will all know for sure in about 3yrs, if going by their release trend.


In short, it is way too early to expect any news about TES 6. Still many years off people.


Todd Howard and Pete Hines have both stated that Bethesda will continue to produce single player TES games, regardless of the success of failure of Elder Scrolls Online.


It is being developed by a totally different subsidiary of Zenimax, and has no relation to Bethesda Softworks beyond licensing.

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