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Player Recommended Computer Requirements ?


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This depends on whether or not you'll be running system-intensive mods. Assuming you aren't, you can get by with:


~1GHz CPU (mine was running on a PIII 600, but I was only getting about 15FPS with AI and visual range turned almost all the way down.)


512MB memory (this is a staple when using windoze XP, since the OS itself takes up about 120MB (i had it running on 80MB with many services turned off), and any background programs take up space as well - antivirus, firewall, IM client, etc)


video card is debateable. mine was running on a TNT2 32MB card. then again, I had Unreal 2K3 running on that card. i'd suggest picking up something like a radeon 9600 on the cheap, but you could certainly get by with something less powerful if you have to.


those are the three main things. If you're going to be using mods, I suggest having lots of free disk space. I've downloaded something like 8GB worth of mods, so if you're going to be testing different mods, be sure to have room and a way of backing them up (in case the source you get it from goes down).


a higher end video card will help if you're running alot of mods, and a better CPU if you're using mods that add lots of people. you shouldn't *need* anything better than a 9600 pro/xt, although if you play alot of games, i'd say get whatever Pro series card (or equivalent from NVidia) is within your budget.


i'm using a athlon 2500+ mobile now, clocked only at 1700MHz (i clocked it down because i'm using a cheap PSU and want to run at a lower voltage - love completely unlocked CPUs :D)


I'd say the safe spot for memory is 768MB. That gives you more than enough memory to run morrowind, and ensures you don't have to worry about page swapping while running various programs in the background.


also, be sure to use the MW FPS Optimizer. I find it helps alot, especially when running mods that use alot of scripts or add alot of NPCs and mobs.

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That system is several years old then. Do you know what graphics card (or video card) you are using?


You could definately do with some more RAM, atleast an extra 256MB but preferably another 512MB stick, which will set you back only a small amount of money. I wouldn't expect your system to play Oblivion.

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