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Mod Request - No mutants/science fiction


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Hey thanks everyone for your comments!

I'll answer a few questions here:


Xanorak: I don't see how science fiction removes the feel of an action FPS


Basically this game is a science fiction; mutants the way they are in the game are not quite physically possible. Perhaps, humans that would look a little bit different, maybe like in point lookout [but not copy-pasted ones :mellow: :mellow: ] so instead of asking the impossible, it's - yes for raiders, no for mutants/robots.



Zulufoxtrot: Wow, what an interesting idea for a mod.

I'll definetely look into doing this for you.


Thank you very much. :)




Well, it's difficult for me to explain the reason I want this mod,

but perhaps a few of you would understand, it's a different gameplay,

replacing mutants/robots with raiders [or just removing them]. It's something else, it gives the game a different feeling after awhile.

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Okay, let me give this some serious thought:


1) The only creatures left alone would be dogs. So, delete nearly all the references to other creatures. Dialogue relating to super mutants (aka meta humans), ghouls, yao guai, mirelurks, molerats would have to be deleted. You'd have to carefully edit the Brahmin to look like a cow. Robots would be history, so everything but turrets would have to go, and that includes President Eden. And because you're eliminating Eden, you'd have to delete the Enclave entirely (their weapons and armor were sci-fi anyway). Lots of NPCs would have to go: like Gob, Charon, Fawkes, and Button Gwinnett. All metro protectrons and their related terminals/stations would have to be removed.


2) No more "Tenpenny Tower" quest. No more "GNR". No more "Those!". No more "Big Trouble in Big Town". No encountering the Lyons Pride in "Footsteps". The whole main quest would really have to be deleted (since water would not be radiated for so long). No references to mutants in "Head of State" (and therefore no trigger to start that quest). Parts of Wasteland Survival Guide would have to go (the parts related to robots, molerats and mirelurks). No "Replicated Man". No "Oasis". No "Shoot 'em in the Head". (In fact, no one living in Underworld at all.) No "Reilly's Rangers". Since the Brotherhood's main mission was to deal with the super mutants, there would be no BoS at this point, and thus no Outcasts either.


3) Since there are no robots, you may as well take out the "sci-fi" technology. That means no armor better than combat armor, and no weapons better than Eugene. No weapons that rely on mutant creatures like the Dart gun. No more deathclaws, so obviously the Deathclaw Gauntlet would have to be removed. The entire "Energy Weapon" skill would be useless.


I'm probably overlooking quite a few things, actually.

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GSmanners, I have already thought about all that and decided that applying this mod would be a dumb idea. There are mutants, and they look horrible; not from this world. Perhaps someone could change the actual look of mutants [all kinds] to look a little more physically possible.


I think we've talked enough about this :)

Thanks everyone, looks like I haven't thought about everything yet. :wallbash:

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It's impossible for creatures to live under such a huge amount of radiation around, and if they do change, they don't change that drastically, like the mirelurk, deathclaw. I may accept the super mutants. But it's not possible that Friendly-Ghouls could live up to 200 years!


To be honest, I have thought about everything I could imagine, if I missed something, it's because it didn't come up to my mind. :yes:

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I've felt like this during Crysis. As much as I enjoyed the alien side of things, my most enjoyable fights were against the humans. Same thing for Far Cry (#1, I got too bored with #2.. though they really had the right idea overall) But to take all of the mutants, ghouls, and animals out would leave you pretty much with a weird version of Call of Duty. It could be done but would (as gsmanners posted above) be a total rewrite of the game.
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