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Christmas Plans Anyone ?


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Just because Oblivion, a new screencard and 512 ram is not waiting for me for me under the christmas tree, my holiday at the coast is cancelled so I can earn bread (no butter) for Jan, doesn mean that I cant enjoy the silly season, right?


But preferably yours!


So come on, what are you doing for chistmas holidays now that you can't have Oblivion? We all know I'm not going anywhere >sulk< and that Switch will be going to the dentist for chewing his desk... :dry:

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Bah Humbug! Actually i'm gonna eat chicken and work Christmas eve, day and day after.(Good way to make 48 hours of pay for only 24) so that I can get Oblivion, and have a few bucks left to upgrade the home comp. That and I have no friends or family anywhere close and I'm poor... or somethin like that. Oh and I'ma start a mod...
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Well not having family close can have advantages. The friends bit sucks though. Me I shall continue with interiors for Iredior apart from the three days around Xmas when I am down on the south coast trying to ignore the sounds of desk chewing coming from a couple of miles away!
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My coastal plans had neatly avoided all family responsenilities ( not misspelled).

My future in-laws are going through a divorce and debating the niceties of it over the xmas chicken is not my idea of a good time, neither is my father-in-laws ideas on fidelity.


My one BIG present will be our own flat to live in, after staying in the family compound for two years, and maby my mother will stop commenting on my interior desecration of my contibution to Iredior. Seriously shes made me re-do it twice now!!!! Though the lack of ADSL for the first month is going to seriously cramp my style. Luckily the nature of our fledgeling buisiness demands its presence :P


Working overtime to earn money for Oblivion is a very noble pursuit ;) , seems I'll be doing much the same

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My plans? Church on Christmas day, and... about four or five new video games? :D Rest of the day shall be spent gaming 'til my thumbs drop off. Perrfect!
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Working Christmas Eve :glare: which bites because that's the day my dad's doing Christmas with his children (ie me). Christams Day will be spent pretending I'm five again, with the added bonus of probably getting riotessly drunk, and of course watching Her Majesty's speech. Boxing Day working, which will consist of myself cowering behind a till with a poleaxe trying to fend off the voucher-weilding mob. 30th December I'm watching my old band play in the local music dive, and New Year's Eve shall see me ever so drunk, before stumbling into work on New Year's Day after having fifteen minutes sleep in a gutter. Oh yeah, and I've got revision stuff for A-Levels to do at some point. :glare:


All in all, a cracking holdiay line-up :D

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OK I actually do have a few freinds.. Just for those of you out there who think I'm a massive loser, close but no. The wife (new plans) might make me go see the wonderful Inlaws Dec. 27, I'ma be trashed. Then she can drive 4 hours home.
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Aaah snow. I've seen it once. A bit of a mirage when its a humid 33 degrees Celcius, I actually managed brainfunction before 10 pm today 8)


Vaanic has a plan after my own heart, Beloved was heard to say ' Love his work'...its just that hangover :ohmy:

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