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Enchanting Mod

iV PimpViper Vi

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Hey everyone. I just recently got Oblivion for PC, so I'm pretty new to mods. I know how to install them correctly, at least. Anyway, I was wondering if there was a mod that allowed you to enchant weapons with as much as you want or add multiple enchantments to armor, rings, robes, etc. at any magnitude you want. A link would be greatly appreciated.
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There are plenty of mods with enchantments but I think what you are really itching for is the Construction Set so you can create exactly what you want. Creating in-game enchantments is VERY limited but the Construction Set can let you enchant just about however you want with multiple enchantments...even scripted effects.



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Or you could use my favorite ingame enchanting mod, (And I wouldn't leave home without it, it's an essential no matter what character I play, I've even considered making one like it for Morrowind):


Advanced Magecraft



I use the construction set nearly every day because I make clothes, beauty, and now house mods, but forced to choose, I'd rather play and have this mod. If I didn't have this mod, I don't think I'd want to play, anymore.

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