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Companion Request


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Hey all


I did a search but couldnt find her,


Ive seen most mods that change the npc's ingame into companions. But one chick I always thought would kick some major ass was Kinba! From Bigtown....."if" there is a mod for her can someone point me in the right direction, and if not......


Can some one redo Kinba to be a decent follower?

With all the options of Kesly or Jessi Companions?

She would kick ass with the Classic Shotgun http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7903

Type3 Body :thumbsup: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4280


If someone could redo her as a Companion that would be killer :biggrin: and you would get a nice big shiney Kudos!



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