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How Do You Think Your Comp Will Run It?


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If my comp runs Oblivion, I'll be very surprised. Let's see... 1.8 ghz Celeron, 40 gb hard drive, 128 mb GeForce FX 5500, about 512 mb Ram, and a computer case so small that everything overheats if I try playing for more than an hour. Oh well. I'll probably buy it as soon as it comes out anyway. Oh, wait, I don't have a DVD drive either... Meh...
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I haven't upgraded my comp in 3 years, the only thing it's good for is surfing the web and word processing. The fact that it run Morrowind suprised even me at the time. I've been shopping around for a gaming system that will be able to play next gen games, well, Oblivion specifically (my girlfriend will hate me I can feel it). Cyberpowerinc makes solid systems and the one I'm looking at is pretty solid for only 500 bucks.


512 DDR RAM (upgraded to 1bg)

3.0 gHz AMD processor

nVidia 6600 256 16x PCI-E graphics

80 gb hard drive

7.1 surround sound

blah blah blah, nothing else matters that much


for 500 bucks I think it's a steal, though I too will be waiting until the requirements come out so I know if it could handle it; plus the price is sure to go down by the release date.

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Good lord, thanateros -- it's been a while since we last saw you. Well, to be precise, 1 year and 1 month, but still nice to see an old Morrowind Sourcer back for Oblivion. I wonder if we'll see any more oldies return?
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Well, most of you seem to be looking at quite high specs. I'm hoping that my 2500+ processor will be enough, although it's a bit short of the current generation (64bit 3GHz+). I don't see why not, at least if I don't mind a slightly slow framerate (oblivion's not an fps after all). As for the rest of my system, I have 1GB RAM and have just ordered a 6600GT (AGP) graphics card to replace a radeon 9600XT (largely because I find ATI's linux driver barely usable on linux for development).

Given that I have just ordered an AGP graphics card, I very much doubt I'll be upgrading my system before oblivion, so I hope my processor is enough... well time will tell.

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Cyberpowerinc makes solid systems and the one I'm looking at is pretty solid for only 500 bucks.


512 DDR RAM (upgraded to 1bg)

3.0 gHz AMD processor

nVidia 6600 256 16x PCI-E graphics

80 gb hard drive

7.1 surround sound

blah blah blah, nothing else matters that much


It sucks. Besides that, they're lying to you. AMD's only 3 GHz processor to date, and quite possibly the only one for a long time to come, is coming out no earlier than the Oblivion release date, and to say that it will cost three times as much as the computer you're describing would be a conservative estimate.


for 500 bucks I think it's a steal, though I too will be waiting until the requirements come out so I know if it could handle it; plus the price is sure to go down by the release date.


It isn't a "steal," either. The sum total price of all the components that could ever conceivably need upgrading in that is less than $US275, if you replace the false claim of a 3 GHz Athlon with something that plays more to the massive bottleneck the GeForce 6600 will provide.

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AMD uses numbers like 3000+ on their CPU names to give a comparison to Intel chips. They are saying that the AMD 3000 will perform something like an Intel 3.0 GHz. The actual AMD frequency is around 2.0 GHz. I don't think AMD is lying in this case.


If you compare the cost of a prebuilt computer to the cost of the components, the components alone will most often be cheaper. There is value added in the assembly and testing processes.


Many of us (myself included) will be buying a pre-built system for our next computers. I think it's useful to post the specs. on these forums to see what others think.


For $500 dollars, upgrades to an existing system may be the way to go. I'll bet the system thanateros mentioned would run Oblivion right out of the box though.

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AMD uses numbers like 3000+ on their CPU names to give a comparison to Intel chips.


No, they don't.


They are saying that the AMD 3000 will perform something like an Intel 3.0 GHz.


No, they aren't.


I don't think AMD is lying in this case.


Did I ever say they were? I said that the prebuilt manufacturer, who builds his entire business on being the most reprehensible scum around, was lying.


There is value added in the assembly and testing processes.


The "assembly process" is something that can be performed quite easily by an eight-year-old. In most western states, child labor laws mandate that the time of such a person is worthless.


Many of us (myself included) will be buying a pre-built system for our next computers. I think it's useful to post the specs. on these forums to see what others think.


I think you know what I think of you, at this point.


I'll bet the system thanateros mentioned would run Oblivion right out of the box though.


At 640x480, no AA, no AF.

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