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Audio Hardware Acceleration Question


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Does having the sound blaster live 5.1 platinum's hardware acceleration on cause sound conflicts normally?


I'm having a difficult time trying to narrow it down to find the problem. When I go near anything that has fire all kinds of random buzzing and clicks happen and will sometimes mute everything but going in and out of inventory or doors. It's almost seems that the fire sound is conflicting or something. But sometimes it just takes equiping a weapon and swing it causes this. I mean the buzzing and all that gets quite loud and then will cut out and then back, then mute random . Whats even more strange is that everything is good sometimes while troubleshooting. I would disable all mods except the main obby esm, shiver and knights and thought that cleared it it's a mod right....well as soon as I fast travel somewhere or go through some doors or running up on street lamps and the fire sound is there and normal...then boom, problem still remains. I swapped out the sound card with one that is good and same thing. So it's not the sound card or the drivers as they are the same ones I have always been using with no trouble ever with hardware acceleration at full and 5.1 enabled with a 5.1 speaker set.


This problem is new, and I have tried everything I can come up with and I need someones help with this. Would someone please give me a hand with this?

Edited by Trypal7
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I use a similar setup (SoundBlaster X-Fi) but I'm running on WinXP so there may be some apples to oranges type stuff from operating system differences. I also don't use the latest for the Creative Console Launcher (version 2.61.09) ... I tend to leave things that work alone. That means that I need to stop Windows from upgrading things I don't want upgraded ... Windows Update does like to push new drivers etc on you. If your current hardware worked before and now doesn't I'd look into whether you have had a driver update.


You can also try letting Oblivion recreate your Oblivion.ini file. Rename your existing Oblivion.ini (found in Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion for Win 8, Win 7 or Vista or Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion for WinXP NOT Oblivion_default.ini found in your game's Oblivion folder) to Oblivionini.old (Windows will squawk about the extension change but it's OK). Start the game and it will redetect your hardware and create a new Oblivion.ini. If this resolves the problem then you can safely delete your old renamed Oblivionini.old (or hang onto it for future reference). If you've made any tweaks to your old Oblivion.ini make sure to transfer them to the new Oblivion.ini before deleting it.

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I second Striker's advice. Check for recent automatic driver updates, or just reinstall the last known good version of your audio driver. Also check for virus infections/key loggers/other malware on the system. It might not sound relevant but also try defragging the hard drive where Oblivion is installed.


Lastly I'd look through Oblivion's data folders (..\Oblivion\Data\sound) for custom sound files. Try renaming (temporarily) any that you find (especially fire noises) and see if it fixes the problem.

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