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How do you all put up with this game?


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Ok, i just want to say one thing. Everything doesn't have any perfect at all no.... almost time we live in earth there are no perfect thing :). We just can say it's good for our self but maybe other people thinks it was bad, we can say that's a bad thing but for another it was good. So what the real problem? It was depend from ourself to to make decission to choose what the best for us and believe in that. Listen to me guys, u said it was difficult and make many problem for u i think it was happen because u believe it difficult. Myself not believe it, i believe every problem has an answer. The question is u want find it or not, u want to occure the problem or not, u can stand on u self to find the answer or not.

Personally i choose to find the answer. U think i am became master in first time? Nope, i said not. I am same with u before, damn creeping rookie type and consume people ( i am PC user). But i don't want to be confused because i know every console no matter it was PC, Xbox, PS3, Nintendo Wii, Gamebox, Dreamcast, etc have their own good and bad habit. So i step forward and make decission to find the answer, the problem and fixs it neither it not complete or perfect but i am satisfied because i solve it myself :)!

Thats why i said it first, know u computer habit good and bad thing and from there u know what fit for yours. I know many of u spend his/her money and time for this game, but from first u must understand a compensation for that and at least it depend from u decission to choose :).



Good day and good speed :).

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Ugh, I am the unluckiest person arent I? >.< I finally beat the damn game! But its kind of sad seeing as the end of the game was like 5 minutes after the last FAILplaythrough. So now Ive beaten the game with almost NO sub quests done... I think that poor kid is still hiding in Greyditch waiting for me to send him to Rivet City...


Further evidence to how unlucky I am, You all know about the Firelance event right? Yeah... got it... walked about two clicks north, found teh space ship, game crashed.

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Ugh, I am the unluckiest person arent I? >.< I finally beat the damn game! But its kind of sad seeing as the end of the game was like 5 minutes after the last FAILplaythrough. So now Ive beaten the game with almost NO sub quests done... I think that poor kid is still hiding in Greyditch waiting for me to send him to Rivet City...


Further evidence to how unlucky I am, You all know about the Firelance event right? Yeah... got it... walked about two clicks north, found teh space ship, game crashed.

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  • 4 months later...

I love Fallout. It is fair to say, that as a person disappointed in the last 10 years of games, Fallout is tied with Bioshock as my favorite game of the decade. That being said . . .


It is single handedly the buggiest game I have ever played (possibly short of Fable 2). I played 3 full length playthroughs on the Xbox (~100 hours each), and in each game had no less than 3 dozen freezes. I've had missing characters, dying/vanishing quest related people, items of importance that refused to spawn, and no end of other such trouble.


I just now bought it on the PC, and I hate to say but its even worse. I've had, in less than 2 weeks, a good 30 freezes, as well as a save I had to backtrack from because no matter what I did it would freeze the next time I saved. Some days the game refuses to load until I reset. Yesterday, the menu theme was carrying over into gameplay. I love this game, I really do, but I wish it were a little more dependable.

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Im sorry, dont take this as harsh as it sounds, I love the game, its the most complex, twisted, fun game ive ever played besides maybe Metal Gear Solid but heres my problem. I seriosly think the code is held together by a thin sheet of peanut butter.


First play, Xbox 360, played along till the part where Dad fubars the computer at Project Purity and kills himself and Autumn. Couldnt get back out of the Jefferson Memorial Rotunda because the game wouldnt load the giftshop cell. STARTED OVER


Second play, made it just as far, same problem. STARTED OVER


Third play, made it to Megaton, Moriarty missing, found his marker in a riverbet a few miles north. Got my money back.


Fourth play on the PC, made it to Rivet City, game crashed just after my only save, STARTED OVER


Fifth play made it to Little Lamplight, My character dissapeared permanently when using 3rd person. To avoid further corruption STARTED OVER


Sixth play, GOT THE GECK! Talked the Enclave Pres. out of being a douche, made it a mile away from the exploding enclave base. Impressive. Game froze. Tried to load last save, when I did I was back at Vault 101 with no items or equipment, all my stats reset and all my quests reset.


Seventh play, made it about halfway from GNR to Rivet City, made 3 saves just in case. One resets to Vault 101, one crashes on the loading screen and one tells me it cant load because it was saved on an older version (Fallout 3 version -1)


I can not go through vault 101 1 more time. I feel more helpless than the male without a father stuck in the vault with the puppets.


Someone tell me why i should keep trying? Do the gods of Fallout just seriously hate my guts?



Well my PC version freezes all the damn time, but my 360 version does not. Bu-buy now...

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I haven't had near the amount of problems you have.


In fact, the most trouble I ever had with Fallout 3 was when MMM suddenly started causing CTDs on me. (disclaimer: this was a long time ago, as in over a year, do not be wary of MMM just because of the crashes it caused me)


Not only that but I've used and abused Fallout 3 quite a bit. My first playthrough spanned from 1.0 to 1.1 to the Unofficial Patch to 1.6, and had many many mods installed and removed before I was done.


Now on my second playthrough, with a reduced mod list, I've had not one CTD.


I first played it on this set up:


Phenom 9750 + 2GB RAM + Radeon HD 2600 XT + XP Pro, 32 bit

Over time I've upgraded to 4GB of RAM, tried it on the Windows 7 RC x64 edition (ran fine), and currently run it on XP Pro x64 edition with a Nvidia GTS 250.


I also have it on my laptop, running XP32 with an Intel Core 2 Duo T3200 / Nvidia GeForce 9600 / 2GB.


I generally don't touch my video drivers once they're working the way I want em. I'd expect to see a BSOD if a crash was a video driver issue though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Basically this game is touchy with saves, I dont use the quick save or save on travel options. I save often and manually now. I have less problems that way.


The other issues you have seem to be hardware/driver related. I have nowhere near the problems you reported,but I do have problems from time to time.

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Just because you have a bad experience does not mean everyone does, for all we know you could easily be a shill for Beth's competitors trying to badmouth them to ruin the market share that fallout :NV will take from their games.


Any bit of software can crash, I've had notepad break hard enough to blue screen a system.


Check you gear (meaning more than drivers... like clean out the dust, run memory tests on the ram, check the fans, HD checks, etc)

Check your settings, many times I've dealt with people that had everything turned to 11 on a system that the game recommends 5's and 6's instead


Check for background programs that may conflict... you might be shocked to find one of them is the true cause of your problems

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I want to add my name to the list of 'liars' as I have playerd through the game many times and played all the DLCs and my game has crashed maybe twice in 15 months of playig fallout. But I run windows XP which is what the game was designed for. I don't know this, but I would bet that many a player who run Vista and Windows 7 would be the ones complaining that the games is buggy; not that anyone who uses XP would have a crash free experience. The only crashes my version of Fallouit gets is from poorly constructed mods - which I keep at a minimum. I don't have a load order of 150 user mods.


My complaint with the game is that its too bloddy easy. I think it was written for 8 year olds.

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