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Fallout China speculation


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A random thought that just occurred to me,


We've seen the American side of the story throughout all the Fallout games.


But what does it look like from the Chinese perspective?


Presumably as America's opponents in the Great War, they were also transformed into a post apocalyptic wasteland.


But aside from a wartime combat simulation in Project Anchorage, we've never really seen what happened to China in Fallout lore.



I think it would be interesting to have a Fallout spinoff game that explores what happened to China in the aftermath of the great war.

Hopefully it would come with the requisite 4 story DLCs as well.


I wonder if China (in the Fallout universe) is a more cold environment.

It would be interesting to see a snow covered atomic wasteland as opposed to the desert we see so much.

Could even be a source of a new water gathering mechanic, melting snow and purifying it of radiation to consume it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I think it would be cool to see Fallout's retro-futuristic aesthetic applied to China. I don't think the game will ever happen though, because marketing won't allow it. China censor media that portray the Communist Party in a bad light, and I the developers will be scared of taking the risk of setting the game outside the US anyway.

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