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Confessions Of A Serial Gamer


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Hello all. I think I may have joined a long time ago but could not remember. Possibly around 2006 if these forums were here then. Well uhm… where to begin. I guess some info huh? Sorry if this is long winded.


My name is Cydney and I am a gameaholic! Ok j/k. Ok NOT really kidding. I live near Sacramento California and am 26 years old. Games have been a part of my life since 2001 when I was given a lot of free time due to a serious accident. I mainly play multi-player FPS (I know one of those huh) but also enjoy my adventure and single player games like Fallout 3. I love motorcycles and ride mine religiously and have gone down twice. I am prissy at times like when I go to the mall. But also don’t cry when I get scratched and cut when I go climbing and bruised when I go paint balling and get hit by frozen pellets. I like any type of physical activity such as hiking, running and lifting weights but I love sparring.


I am respectful of others and generally keep to my self unless someone invades my space or that of my friends and then I am a doer not a talker and I have no problems with confrontation and setting things straight. I believe in fixing yourself before you fix others and seeing as how I am always broken and looking to improve I shy away from telling others what they should or should not do. I am loyal to a fault and think that if you are involved with someone cheating on them is the lowest form of humanity. I am also a study in dichotomy as, where I generally dislike people, trust no one and have a tendency towards the anti-social I am also warm, very social and easy to get along with and make friends quickly. I guess I am sort of a chameleon in a way. I have a great sense of humor (just ask me) that is never bitter but almost always twinges with sarcasm and have an “on the fly” ability to pull the strangest things out of my head and say them much to the dismay of ever1 that happens to be in Ventrillo or near me. I believe laughter is the best medicine and if you cannot laugh at yourself then you should work on it before you laugh at others. Did I mention I have a sick sense of humor? I just did!


I absolutely adore Oblivion and am feeling a strong like for Fallout 3 but as I stated above my first love is FPS. To me there is nothing like being in a Ventrillo or Teamspeak server and talking, screaming and yelling profanities at your friends when they kill you and taunts when you slot them. It is the camaraderie I guess. I was in a clan called ]eVe[ when they disintegrated in 2002 and never joined another. Then I started playing with SWAT about 4-5 years ago and just last month joined their group officially. It was quit a step for me to take as I had vowed to never get that involved with people gaming again. I am sure some of you know of what I speak if you have known some of your online friends for years. It is tough when you part forever (yes I know it is just gaming but you still get attached to people) but life goes on.


I want to try modding and will at some point but I guess you have to install the games first. Yes I have a confession to make I only recently installed Fallout 3 again but have not played it. And I have not installed Oblivion again, yet. The reason I have not installed Oblivion again is that even with a mod manger it took me about eight hours of trial and error to get them all working together and then I had to reformat my HDD. So now I have all these zip and rar files that I would have to open in order to read about them and see if I like them again and see what will and will not work together. I just don’t have a month to do that.


I guess that pretty much sums it up. Any of you are welcome to stop by anytime and chat with me or my friends on the SWAT Ventrillo server and I will list that info in my sig. Most of them are ex military, ex law enforcement or current law enforcement but that has not damaged their sense of humor and I like and love all of them as family. They are all for the most part easygoing and easy to get along with and are very non judgmental, but as with real life ever1 has their bad days. The only things I ask from the people that wish to join us and chat are that you be respectful treating others how you wish to be treated or how you would treat your mom (if you like her). Be real and be yourself, and be 18. I say 18 because I don’t want to get into trouble with anyone’s parents when JR or Princess starts using an expanded vocabulary be fitting a sailor. (SWAT_Speedbump is notorious for swearing as she is always drunk so dont pay attention to her j/k :blink: )


Ok so that is my condensed version of me. Hope I did not scare anyone and maybe I will make some new friends along the way of journeying through your Nexus.


Cydney :woot:

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